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Německo, Kaiserslautern
Okolí místa praxe: The city is surrounded by the Palantine forrest, which offers a lot of possibilities to hike or go on a bicycle trips. Also the neighboring cities such as Karlsruhe, Heidelberg or Strasburg are definitely worth to visit. Next to the city, there is the Rammstein NATO air base, so sometimes there are some jets making noise, but this happens hardly ever. The base is great for plane spotting!
Turecko, Istanbul
O firmě: I was very lucky with my employer. Half of the people spoke English, and the other half made an effort. :) They always tried to make me feel included and welcomed. Throughout the summer, my coworker Ilayda was there for me, helping with everything. It was easy to communicate, and if I needed something, they were always open to helping out.
Kolumbie, Ibagué
Náplň práce: My actualy work at the universty was totaly diferent than in the o-form, also the city was diferent.
My main work was about setting a numerical simulation according to laboratory tests for the auxetic model.
Švýcarsko, Zürich
Přínos praxe: I got a lot of experience from work but the biggest benefit is that I got to meet so many people both my coworkers, other IAESTE members and also students who lived at the dormitory. Both my English and German improved.
Kolumbie, Ibague
Místní kuchyně: was different but nothing really strange (tamales, bandeja paisa,...), generally enjoyed it.
Japonsko, Tokyo
Sport a kultura: I would recommend you to study some of the basic rules in Japan before coming here. For example: talking on the train is not common and you can get weird looks for it. They even have a sign that tells you to turn your mobile phone to silent mode so that others can sleep on the train to work. They are waiting in lines for anything (sometimes fake lines appear - if 2 people stand behing each other ...
Chystáte se na stáž IAESTE a nevíte, co Vás ve vybrané zemi čeká? V následujícím přehledu naleznete zkušenosti studentů, kteří ji již navštívili před Vámi.
Uveřejněné zprávy ze stáží neprošly ani jazykovou ani textovou úpravou. Proto, prosím, omluvte chybějící „háčky a čárky", stylistické a gramatické nedokonalosti textů.
Pokud by Vám uvedené informace nestačily a rádi byste se obrátili přímo na autora, neváhejte kontaktovat své lokální centrum, které Vám potřebný kontakt, pokud s tím student souhlasil, rádo zprostředkuje.
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Studenti píší
Německo, Kaiserslautern
(Martin Mašek, VŠCHT Praha)
Okolí místa praxe: The city is surrounded by the Palantine forrest, which offers a lot of possibilities to hike or go on a bicycle trips. Also the neighboring cities such as Karlsruhe, Heidelberg or Strasburg are definitely worth to visit. Next to the city, there is the Rammstein NATO air base, so sometimes there are some jets making noise, but this happens hardly ever. The base is great for plane spotting!
Turecko, Istanbul
(Martina Elisova, VUT Brno)
O firmě: I was very lucky with my employer. Half of the people spoke English, and the other half made an effort. :) They always tried to make me feel included and welcomed. Throughout the summer, my coworker Ilayda was there for me, helping with everything. It was easy to communicate, and if I needed something, they were always open to helping out.
Kolumbie, Ibagué
(Tereza Novotná, VUT Brno)
Náplň práce: My actualy work at the universty was totaly diferent than in the o-form, also the city was diferent.
My main work was about setting a numerical simulation according to laboratory tests for the auxetic model.
Švýcarsko, Zürich
(Alena Pavlackova, VUT Brno)
Přínos praxe: I got a lot of experience from work but the biggest benefit is that I got to meet so many people both my coworkers, other IAESTE members and also students who lived at the dormitory. Both my English and German improved.
Kolumbie, Ibague
(Tomáš Zikmund, ZČU Plzeň)
Místní kuchyně: was different but nothing really strange (tamales, bandeja paisa,...), generally enjoyed it.
Japonsko, Tokyo
(Lucie Hlaváčková, VŠCHT Praha)
Sport a kultura: I would recommend you to study some of the basic rules in Japan before coming here. For example: talking on the train is not common and you can get weird looks for it. They even have a sign that tells you to turn your mobile phone to silent mode so that others can sleep on the train to work. They are waiting in lines for anything (sometimes fake lines appear - if 2 people stand behing each other ...
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