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Zemědělství, potravinářství a příbuzné obory (41)
V současné době máme v naší databázi 1030 zpráv
(584 napsaných česky a 446 napsaných anglicky).

Studenti píší

Švýcarsko, Windisch
(Filip Dostál, VŠCHT Praha)

Okolí místa praxe: In a walking distance, there is a nice castle called Habsburg. If the weather is nice, the views are amazing. 10 min by train is the capital city of the canton Aargau called Aarau. This city is very historical, so it's worthy to visit. Apart of that, I can recommend a visit of Zurich, Basel, Olten, Solothurn, Luzern and Bern - everything accessible by train up to 1h15. If you are up to travel a ...

Indie, Karunya Nagar
(Petr Stastny, VUT Brno)

O firmě: Employer was a Karunya university of technology and science. University with cca 8000 students.

Ekvádor, Quito
(Klára Hobzová, VUT Brno)

Náplň práce: My project was originaly about new material consist of concrete and some nature fibers, but my professor was really interested about my main field of study at my university and she gave me new topic. Because my main field is about fire safety of buildings, I was researched about fire safety of garages mainly about fire resistance of prestressed conctrete beams. It wasn´t necesary to be every day ...

Jordánsko, Amman
(Jiří Konderla, VUT Brno)

Přínos praxe: New friends from different cultures, you will get to see how it works on the working site and you will visit one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Spojené arabské emiráty, Dubai
(Michaela Pastorková, VUT Brno)

Místní kuchyně: What surprised me the most, was that everything here is spicy. Even KFC is spicier than in the Czech Republic (even you select 'regular'). But you get used to it (maybe). For a hundred per cent, you going to eat shawarma! I tried a lot of foreign dishes, some of them at Global Village, and some on the street (mostly Indian food). As I wrote we had a really nice kitchen so we cooked a lot, my ...

Švýcarsko, Zürich
(Alena Pavlackova, VUT Brno)

Sport a kultura: I didn't have a chance to do any sports other than hiking, because I only stayed for a short period of time and during the summer when the sports classes at the university weren't offered. I did quite a lot of hiking tho. It is also possible to rent a bike for free in Zürich (near the main train station) so I did that a few times and went on bike trips to neighboring towns. During the summer ...

Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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