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Švýcarsko, Zürich
Okolí místa praxe: Traveling from Zürich is quite easy because everything is well connected. I really liked the cities of Luzerne and Montreux. Then of course, Bern is very nice and is a must to visit since it's the capital city and there are literally bears, which I think is pretty cool. I think it's good to stop in Bern on your way to some other city (e.g. Luzerne) because the city center is pretty small and you ...
Belgie, Ghent
O firmě: Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant. It’s middle size company that is growing very quickly. Very well structured and offers a lot of experience for their employees and interns. Friendly, open minded, people working there are very ambituous, hard-working and supporting.
Turecko, Istanbul
Náplň práce: I was working in two departments of the company, at first a was working in the quality control laboratory where I learned everything about the execution of the quality control tests which included measurements of hardness, density, stretchiness and durability in heat and pressure of the produced materials. After two weeks in the laboratory I moved into the sales department where I was looking for ...
Polsko, Lodz
Přínos praxe: Great professional experience, amazing people, new friends.
Spojené arabské emiráty, Sharjah
Místní kuchyně: We tried lots of local dishes. We loved drinking karak tea and eating falafel. We also ate in the arabic way on the floor. They eat lots of rice with meat (no pork, just beef, chicken, lamb or goat). Also there is very cheap street food called shawarma which is really good.
Malta, Floriana
Sport a kultura: There are a lot of activities you can do. You can rent a bike and travel around Malta by bike (however some of the Maltese people don´t recommend it because of the traffic and the weather), you can go running, swimming, etc. The University of Malta has its own places where you can practice any kind of activity, so if you are interested, you can check their website. :)
Malta is a religious ...
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Studenti píší
Švýcarsko, Zürich
(Alena Pavlackova, VUT Brno)
Okolí místa praxe: Traveling from Zürich is quite easy because everything is well connected. I really liked the cities of Luzerne and Montreux. Then of course, Bern is very nice and is a must to visit since it's the capital city and there are literally bears, which I think is pretty cool. I think it's good to stop in Bern on your way to some other city (e.g. Luzerne) because the city center is pretty small and you ...
Belgie, Ghent
(Viet Nga Tranová, VŠCHT Praha)
O firmě: Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant. It’s middle size company that is growing very quickly. Very well structured and offers a lot of experience for their employees and interns. Friendly, open minded, people working there are very ambituous, hard-working and supporting.
Turecko, Istanbul
(Janka Kladivíková, VŠCHT Praha)
Náplň práce: I was working in two departments of the company, at first a was working in the quality control laboratory where I learned everything about the execution of the quality control tests which included measurements of hardness, density, stretchiness and durability in heat and pressure of the produced materials. After two weeks in the laboratory I moved into the sales department where I was looking for ...
Polsko, Lodz
(Eduard Csölle, VUT Brno)
Přínos praxe: Great professional experience, amazing people, new friends.
Spojené arabské emiráty, Sharjah
(Jitka Chalupová, VŠCHT Praha)
Místní kuchyně: We tried lots of local dishes. We loved drinking karak tea and eating falafel. We also ate in the arabic way on the floor. They eat lots of rice with meat (no pork, just beef, chicken, lamb or goat). Also there is very cheap street food called shawarma which is really good.
Malta, Floriana
(Tereza Dudová, ČVUT Praha)
Sport a kultura: There are a lot of activities you can do. You can rent a bike and travel around Malta by bike (however some of the Maltese people don´t recommend it because of the traffic and the weather), you can go running, swimming, etc. The University of Malta has its own places where you can practice any kind of activity, so if you are interested, you can check their website. :)
Malta is a religious ...
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