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Bc. Michal Hruška, CTU Prague, ročník 4

Faculty Electrical engineering
Field of study Technological process
Field of internship Engineering, Other
Specialization of InternshipElectrical and Electronics Engineering
Internship period (from - to) 28.6.2018 - 30.7.2018
Internship duration (weeks) 5
Transport (means, price) 24 000 CZK
Insurance/Insurance company Alpenverein
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) Yes
Price of Visa 60 €
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
Internship reference number MN-2018-009EXS-1

About the country

Location of the place

Landlocked Mongolia is located between Russia to the north and China to the south, deep within the interior of eastern Asia far from any ocean. The country has a marked continental climate, with long cold winters and short cool-to-hot summers. Its remarkable variety of scenery consists largely of upland steppes, semideserts, and deserts, although in the west and north forested high mountain ranges alternate with lake-dotted basins. Mongolia is largely a plateau, with an average elevation of about 1,580 metres above sea level. The highest peaks are in the Mongolian Altai Mountains in the southwest, a branch of the Altai Mountains system.


Ulaanbaatar is capital city of Mongolia and is situated in North-east part of the country. In past Mongolia was classified as a development country. Nowadays there is huge development both in building construction and services. This is visible in the city strongly. It is not a city with lack of services anymore. Shops and restaurants are fully functional.
On the other hand poverty in the city is still noticeable. Don`t expect clear and neat streets out of the city centre without a smog. If you are ready for experience of a poor country in the middle of development Ulaanbaatar has a lot to offer.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

City center of Ulaanbaatar is mostly very busy with terrible traffic and smog. Mongolia has the best to offer on the country side. If you are lucky enough you might get a chance to visit family on country-side living in yurts. It is unforgettable experience of nomadic life. Mongolia has several national parks to visit. The closest one is Gorghi Terelj. Park is approachable in two to four hours (depending on traffic) by bus. Ideal for weekend trips. For longer trips is best to decide which direction to choose. On the north there is beautiful Khovsgol lake with beautiful scenery. On the south you can experience Gobi dessert and to see real dunes, two-humped camels and real nomadic life. My trip I have done was to Altai mountains on the other side of the country. It is not possible to see everything. Choosing one destination is the best you can do.



Sergelen Byanba is very kind woman always trying to manage some trip or program for your free time. She introduced me a few projects she had to offer and I just suggested some improvements. She is busy woman with lot of responsibilities so I was mostly working by myself without supervision. Most of the time we were communicating in Czech sometime in English without any problem.

Work description

My arrival was planned during the summer gap. University was mostly empty and quiet. I didn't have any classes to teach. I was working on data logger for measuring solar system constructed on supervisors house. At the beginning of the internship I suggested data logger for better analysis of the system. Due to lack of money logger had to be made as cheap as possible. Finding electronic parts needed was sometimes problematic.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

Mongolia is poor country with minimum wage around 90 €. Salary provided via university is above the average. You get 250$ for your living which is sufficiently enough for food. If you want to travel and hang out sometimes extra expense is need. Approximately another 250$ for 10-14 day travel. Rent is arranged and also paid by the Uni.

Language requirements

It is difficult to find English speakers in Mongolia in general. My supervisor Sergelen spoke well English and also very good Czech. Russian as well if needed.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Accommodation is provided and paid via Uni. Price was 600 000 tugrik (230$). I got lucky in someway, because dormitory was closed due to maintenance so I got my own apartment.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

Everything was organised by myself or by my supervisor. IAESTE members weren`t active.

Meeting other foreign students

It is difficult to find English speakers in the city. The best way to hang out is via couchsurfing app or there is pub quiz happening weekly for Mongolian expats.

Sport and culture

Mongolia has extraordinary culture and they are very proud of it. I gladly recommend Tumen Ekh Ensemble in national theatre in Ulaanbaatar. It spectacular show with different kinds of art. Horse riding in the country side is need.

Food, local specialties

Be equipped with different kind of drugs for your stomach. Food in mongolia is very fatty and there is no space for vegetarian food. Fortunately I did suffer with stomach problems except one night after too many kinds of beer.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

WiFi isn`t problem in nowadays. Internet data package with Mongolian service is very cheap.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Don't expect luxury and tidy street. In Mongolia nothing works according to plan, but you always manage. If you seek for real Mongolian experience just go. Reading tourist guide before arrival was very useful to know the place better.

What not to forget with you

Stomach pills, sunscreen and opened mind.

Benefits of the internship

I have learned a lot of now skills and useful information. My project was done completely independently with no help or correction which was challenging in some way.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country


Overall experience with IAESTE

I can only recommend. It is great experience to discover new countries for longer period of time and get good experience.

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Robert Bosch
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Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
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Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
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