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Bc. Iveta Škorpilová, MZLU Brno,
ročník 3About the country
Location of the place
Thai Nguyen is located around 70km north to Hanoi. Northern Vietnam.
Thai Nguyen is quite big city, but not really interesting. There is one museum of Vietnamese minorities, cinema and thats all. Many 'restaurants', cafés and Bia how (pub) places on each corner.
Surroundings (possible trips, ...)
Northern Vietnam nature is really beautiful. I heard that the nature around city is also beautiful, but I never went there. Usually I went for longer trips to more 'famous' destination as Ba be National park, Cat ba, Halong Bay, Sa pa, Ninmh Binh, Hanoi, etc...But because transportation in Vietnam is really bad, you have to count with half day/night bus to get there (even if it's not so far).
Oxford English center in Thai Nguyen. As I talked with other English teachers there, one of the worst in TN. :D
Work description
I was English teacher. My duty was teach children (age 6-14) English (speaking and listening) and prepare for lessons. Unfortunately, since the time I arrived I had problems with my center (from taking me to another city that I apply for to accommodation). So when I should finally teach the children, they usually forgot to tell me the topic, my schedule etc. I decided to quit the job and accept an offer from another center. The new center was impossible to compare with the old one, everything was organized and students behavior was usually also way better. So it really depends on the center that you work for.
Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)
10.000.000 VND (10.000 CZK). Enough. Vietnam is a magical place, where you can almost always find some extra English classes to cover your expenses. English teacher in private centers are payed quite well (for local area ), but there is a huge difference between salary in private English centers and university.
Language requirements
English :D. Be prepared that English level in Vietnam is really bad. Even among Vietnamese English teachers I met few that didn't understand me at all.
Accommodation (price, who provided it)
In Vietnam all employers should provide and cover accommodation. Unfortunately my center offer my 'accommodation' that was unacceptable for everyone who is not homeless in Europe. After some time of discussion they agree to pay half of my hotel costs, because they weren't able to find anything better.
Social life
Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)
At the airport my bosses picked me up. I was there out of main internships session so the only event that IAESTE organize each Wednesday was meeting with other interns and IAESTE volunteers. In November IAESTE also organized their main event of the year, IAESTE day.
Nevertheless, almost every time, when anyone from interns needed help, there was a volunteer ready to help.
Nevertheless, almost every time, when anyone from interns needed help, there was a volunteer ready to help.
Meeting other foreign students
We met every Wednesday on IAESTE meeting. With some of them we used to go for lunch or beer more time per week. I was the lucky one with days off during weekend (English teacher usually don't have free weekend, but another days during week), so each weekend we went on some trip together.
Sport and culture
I think that except Karaoke, there are not many cultural places in Thai Nguyen. In Czech I often do jogging. But unfortunately, I didn't feel comfortable to run in the city ( I didn't find any park in TH, ppl lived at dormitory used to run around in 'nature', but for me it was too far), where everyone was staring at me. Air in TN is also really polluted, so I guess that it is not really healthy anyway. Some interns attended muai thai lessons, some went to gym regularly.
Food, local specialties
Vietnamse food is just amazing! and also really cheap. I paied from 20 to 35 CZK for one lunch. Other interns either I never cooked there, we always went eat out.
Other information
Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic
Wi-Fi is almost everywhere there. Mobile data are really cheap (12GB for 120 CZK) so there is no problem with communication. Social media are not blocked, as in China, so you can use whatever you want.
Recommendations for students who will go to the same place
Prepare for totally different culture.
What not to forget with you
In Vietnam they have four seasons :D. I was there during Vietnamese winter, and surprisly for me, it was really cold there sometimes. So don't forget your jacket. For women it can be problem to buy menstrual swab :D. Also I was out of dental floss and I didn't find any place where to buy it.
Benefits of the internship
I met new people, improve my presentation skills, but the most important, I could spend some time in Asia - experienced totally different culture and lifestyle. From what I saw during my traveling, there is a big difference between learning about culture for someone who just travel around and for someone who really stay and work in one place for longer time.
Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country
They were doing their best (due the lack of organizational skills, it sometimes didn't look like that, but they were really trying).
Overall experience with IAESTE
Student's website
no website
Employer's webiste
no website
Other useful links
Other comments
Despite of my problems with first center and different culture in general, I never regret my decision to apply for this internship. I spent really amazing time there and enjoyed something new there every day. Be prepare that it won't be always easy to deal with Vietnamese, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm planning to comeback to Asia to teach English again. Also prepare that hygienic and safety standards are on totally different level there (more no level).