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Ing. Rudolf Baron, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, ročník 5

Faculty Marketing and business
Field of study Business
Field of internship Other
Specialization of InternshipAny
Internship period (from - to) 1.9.2017 - 30.11.2017
Internship duration (weeks) 13
Transport (means, price) Airplane, 250€
Insurance/Insurance company VZP - 111
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) yes
Price of Visa 2000,- CZK
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Thailand, Sakon Nakhon
Internship reference number TH 2017-013010-U

About the country

Location of the place

University campus about 20k from the Sakon Nakhon city.


The city is quite small - 90k inhabitants but still has some good night life.. Sakon Nakhon is a Buddhist town with five Buddhist stupas. Its history can be dated back for three thousand years. Legend says that Nongharn town, or presently Sakon Nakhon, was built in 11th century when Khmer ruled this region. When the Khmer lost their power, the town was under the rules of Lanxang or Laotian Kingdom. It was renamed “Muang Chiang Mai Nongharn”. When the town was under the Siamese Kingdom, it was renamed again into “Sakon Thavapi”. In 1830, during the reign of King Rama III, it was named “Sakon Nakhon”.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

You can travel to the mountains which are close, also once you are in TH, the plane tickets are quite cheap so I'd suggest Phuket, BKK....
Useful travel guide for the location:



Employer was the university, everything was ok on their side, very pleasant experience. Gotta go with Mong for a beer, he's a cool guy. Watch out for insanely young looking teachers (i mean the giris, it's very easy to get them mixed-up with students)

Work description

Teaching university classes (Marketing, International business, English) by myself, sometimes with pre-prepared presentations sometimes with my own. Just about 12 working hours a week (maybe less, maybe more, what am I a math teacher??)
It's not a hard job as long as you are a bit of a responsible person.... I managed and I'm not, so.. you'll be probably fine.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

10k Bath - adequate funds, as long as you don't party too hard multiple times a week and eat exclusively at good restaurants... yeah I'm guilty :D (btw watch out, the beer bottle is bigger than EU standard so it might confuse you)

Language requirements

English - but you can always use your limbs and drawing skills, cannot suggest using those for English teaching though. I mean, you want to teach people, what do you expect, writing essays?

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Provided by the university, free, but doesn't have to be. I got to live in a presidential suite... sound's great but I'd compare it to probably *** hotel in EU. Make sure the AC works, if it doesn't I hope you like Vietnam war movies, you'll be living in one.

Enjoy the presence of little lizzards, they are much better than the mosquitos, whom they consume on regular basis. They do jump and they don't have the best aim, so they might land on you while you sleep. Just relax and be thankful, that little skydiver has probably just saved you a lot of itch ;)

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

P'Pui will come and pick you up at the airport, tell her Rudy says Hi! I bet it'll make her happy! She knows everything and everyone, you better have her on your side!

Meeting other foreign students

I had some good times with the 3 guys from Nepal, the pinnacle was probably dragging one of them by his feet like a piece of dead meat across the hotel to get him to his room since he was hammered for the first time. We also went to couple of trips together to mention one, 120km ride in the back of a truck leaving at 4AM unexpectedly.

The Chineese teachers! Oh boy... the girls were charming, the guy was very friendly and cool.

Also Andy, my closest colleague from 'NAM... such a sweet girl.

Most of us stayed in the same building so it was easy to meet and

Sport and culture

Campus has a gym, rowing team, boxing club. You'll get a bicycle to move around, have no fear, you'll get your excercise if you want. (remember how I said the beer bottles are bigger?)

Food, local specialties

Gotta try ALL the food they offer in the restaurants in the campus, it's AMAZING :) To mention the best: Moo ka ta, Shabu Shabu. Be ready to put on some kilos, but it's totally worth it! Try all the fried bugs, avoid fried chicken foot, buy bigger clothes, move a lot.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

Skype, FB, wifi available in the Hotel
You can always try the pidgeon, but since the political situation isn't quite stable right now in TH (they have a military coup about every 3-4 years), they might shoot it down, but totally worth a shot!

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

No need to get a travel insurance, as a teacher, you will get all treatment in the university hospital for free.
Don't be afraid
Make a lot of friends FAST
Work hard, but enjoy the damn Isaan paradise

What not to forget with you

Repelent, gifts, bigger clothes for when you get fat and a wide smile!

Benefits of the internship

I enjoyed every last little bit of the internship, but your's might be different since the quality of it depends on your abilities and approach.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Pickup, not much else.

Overall experience with IAESTE

Well since you are asking about an overall experience, IAESTE guys helped me find this amazing internship and I'm thankful for that. After that they didn't do much except for making me write this report.

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Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
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Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
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