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Bc. Kateřina Loupancová, UCT Prague, ročník 3

Faculty FPBT
Field of study Food Technology
Field of internship Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Specialization of InternshipMicrobiology, General
Internship period (from - to) 1.7.2017 - 31.8.2017
Internship duration (weeks) 9
Transport (means, price) Airplane
Insurance/Insurance company KB (Axa assitance)
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) Intern visa
Price of Visa 3000 CZK
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  India, Karunya
Internship reference number IN-2017-0506-KU

About the country

Location of the place

Karunya Univesity is located near Coimbatore city - aprox 20 km, which means 50 minutes by tuktuk or 35 minutes by car. It´s surrounded by mountains.


Karunya is a small vilage that has basicly one long street where you can find few restaurants (or how they call the "hotel") and some small shops (relly small). But still, you can buy almost everything there.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Coimbatore, Siruvani falls, Isha temple. That´s basically it. Not much to do around. You have to take a bus or a train a go somewhere else.



The Karunya University is a big complex of building. Few of them even have windows! Haha.

Work description

I worked under Dr. Muthukumar Nadar in a Biotech department together with other 3 interns. We worked on 2 projects. The work was easy but considering the equipment in the lab, it took hell of time to finish it. We had tu use 4 different labs - because our lab did not have any equpment. So just to weigh something we had to go to a different floor and than go to a different floor again to centrifuge something. In UCT it would be work for 2 hours, in Karunya it took 5 hours. :D

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

From 8000 INR they will deduct 5000 INR for accommodation. You will get 100 INR for a working day. If you are absent, they will take some ruppes of your salary. I was pretty lucky to get almost 2800, others got only 2100 for example. I usually spend around 300 INR for a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) so the salary is not enough to cover your expenses.

Language requirements

Everyone at the uni had a relly good english. But do not worry, they will accept you even with a lower level of english since they really want to have international students. :D

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

The hotel was really nice. I shared the room with other intern. It´s worth to be the first to arrive because I got the biggest room (237). On the other hand the wifi signal was very week. :D The furniture was new, room was clean. And there was a room service which was cool :D.. But you have to ask them to clean the bathroom and to give you toilet paper.

It was provided by the Karunya University.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

IAESTE did a nice job. David picked me and other guy at the airport. Since Raffael´s luggage got lost we went to a nearby shopping mall to buy some basic clothes and everything. David bought a lunch for us (McDonald´s) and he took us to the Guest house.

IAESTE organised only 1 trip for us (to Ooty), International evening and a shopping say to buy sarees and kurtas.

Meeting other foreign students

I spend most of the time with other interns. We eorked together in a lab, went for a lunch or a dinner together. ALso we planned trips together. There is a small kitchen with a table where you can spent evening. Or just go to someone´s room and hang out there.

Sport and culture

There is a big sport center right behind the Guest house. However, I was there only once to play cricket with local students. Every eveningI was too taïred to do any sport activities.

Food, local specialties

You will eat the same food every day (if you are to lazy to cook yourslef). Byriani, paneer butter masala, parrota, cottu, naan, dosa, vada.. you will be familiar with those after one week in Karunya. Once you get sick of the Indian food you can go to iFoods where you can get kind of KFC chicken - you can have a wrap, sandwich, burger, salad or PIZZA (only when they have cheese and power).

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

You can buy very cheap local SIM card (250 INR) and only for 300 INR you will get 1 GB of data for one day. And also there is wifi at the uni and at the guest house.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Bring your own alcohol if you are a party person. You cannot buy any alcohol (not even a beer) in Karunya. Take your favourite food, you can not get salami, ham, cheese, sausages, any kind of pork in Karunya.

What not to forget with you

Suncream, sun glasses, enough T-shirst (you will sweat a lot and there is a chance that the washing machine won´t work), umbrella (when it´s raining it´s a very heavy rain), comfortable shoes, hat.

Benefits of the internship

Friends, memories, skills in lab, friends again.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

I had some troubles with visa. Check all the documents you will recieve from IAESTE KU that they are up to date. Cause I was trying to conact IAESTE KU in order to send me a document.

Overall experience with IAESTE

I could only recommend it. It´s the best (and easiest) way how to work in a foreign country with people behind your back always ready to help you. Both IAESTEs made an amazing job!

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Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
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Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
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