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Bc. Filip Hutera, CTU Prague, ročník 3

Faculty Faculty of architecture
Field of study Architecture and urbanism
Field of internship Architecture
Specialization of InternshipArchitecture
Internship period (from - to) 1.8.2017 - 31.7.2018
Internship duration (weeks) 52
Transport (means, price) By bus, ca. 50 Euro one way
Insurance/Insurance company Assura, ca 230 CHF per month, partly refundable
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) work permit L
Price of Visa 0
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Switzerland, Basel
Internship reference number CH-2017-000032

About the country

Location of the place

I did an intership in Switzerland, in the city of Basel. Basel is the city in the north-western corner of Switzerland. It lays literally just on the borders with France and Germany. Both countries are easily reachable by Basel city transport.


Basel, city with historical centre with industrial memory. Basel has pretty maintained historical centre but further from the centre it is transforming into numerous industrial areas because lot of world based chemical companies have their HQ in the city. Plenty of abandoned industrial areas are tranformed into several leisure time centres. In spite of smallness of the city (only 170 00 inhabitans) Basel can offer everything you need, from vivid cultural and night life, shops, services, historical and contemporary architecture up to very relaxing time by the Rhine river or in the parks.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

First, it is about the Alps. It is very common, that people are going hiking during the weekends, even in the winter. Basel is in the north-western corner but you can cross the country within 3 hours by train or by car. Another possibility is the low-cost airlines. From basel you can catch a flight to many places via EasyJet with very reasonable prices.



Rapp Architekten, I was working in the big company with many professional departments (Civil engineering, industrial planning etc.). As an architect I was in architecture section with ca. 70 employees.

Work description

Work position as architectural intern,I was making physical models, visualisations, all kind of drawings, participation on competitions etc. Some of the excursion at the building site, new opening of the building were provided by the emloyer.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

Was enough, covered everyday living expenses, living, food, hobbies and also travelling.

Language requirements

English and German. In the company they required particular language level of German, they provided me German courses which I attended twice a week. From the beginning I spoke mainly in English, second half of the intership I became confortable with conversation in German.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

550 CHF monthly, provided by IAESTE Basel. I was accommodated in a share 4-room flat. I shared flat together with another trainee from Argentina and a landlord who owned the flat. We had common living romm and a kitchen.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

Picked up by landlord, bunch of events organized during the year by IAESTE members Basel/Switzerland. I visited many cities thanks to the organized IAESTE weekends. There were also plenty of possibilities to meet for a beer in the city or by there Rhine in the summer during the whole year.

Meeting other foreign students

I was sharing flat with another trainee, we hang out a lot together with the other trainees from the city. During the year there were many ways how to meet another trainees. Weekly meetings in Zurich, Basel, lots of IAESTE events (hiking, city tours, excursions and so on), well connected social media with another trainees in the Switzerland.

Sport and culture

Via IAESTE events, city tours, hiking, rafting weekend etc. or by myself. In Switzerland there is everytime anyting to do. You can just go hiking, in the winter skiing, or especially in the Basel just go swimming in the Rhine in the summer and then just have a beer by the river :)

Food, local specialties

During there year there are bunch of traditional events in Basel or in the Switzerland in overall, for example Herbsmesse, winter markets, Fasnacht etc. You can taste lots of local dishes, Raclette, cheese and chocolate in general :P.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

Via skype, cell phone, mail etc.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Buy Halbtax (50% discount on all trains) as soon as possible, also buy Gleis 7 (after 7pm travelling for free) and Color Key (almost all museums free entry- works in Basel pretty well). Gleis 7 and Color Key are only obtainable if you are under 25 years old. Enjoy your internship in general and do not stress too much about locakl byrocracy, sometimes it can be pretty stressful :-D

What not to forget with you

Adapter for swiss electrical plugers (or you can buy it it he local shops). Pass photos for official documents (Auslanderausweis, SBB Halb Tax, approximately 3 pieces)

Benefits of the internship

Improvement in many ways, professional, language skills (both German and English), I have seen lots of places (cities, mountains, nature and so) and have met lots of people and have made some friends.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

IAESTE Switzerland is nicely organized, members are really helpful and kind. During the whole year they are providing a lot of events and meeting for trainees.

Overall experience with IAESTE

There was always somebody to help me if I was in need. I can not say anything bad about Swiss IAESTE community or Czech IAESTE. Before the intership I was a member of Czech IAESTE, I can only recommend to everyone who want to volunteer and participate on various events. Just do it :D

Student's website


Employer's webiste

Other useful links

for the swiss insurance ,
swiss architectural museumhttp, lots of events for the architecture fans, good to register for the newsletter about excursions ,
swiss iaeste with event list,
ClolorKey, card with that you can get in many places (mostly cultural) for free color key

Other comments


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Robert Bosch
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Lear Corporation
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Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
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