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Ing. Pavel Šimon, Pardubice, ročník 5

Faculty Faculty of chemical technology
Field of study Organic chemistry
Field of internship Engineering, Other
Specialization of InternshipEngineering Chemistry
Internship period (from - to) 26.6.2017 - 15.10.2017
Internship duration (weeks) 16
Transport (means, price) Bus (student agency), 950,- one way
Insurance/Insurance company Evropská pojišťovna
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no
Price of Visa -
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Sweden, Gothenburg
Internship reference number SE-2017-33

About the country

Location of the place

Gothenburg is located in the south of Sweden. The city is easy to reach by bus or train from all directions. In the city is also airport and port.


Gothenburg is big students city with 1 million people. I think I can say that in Gothenburg you can find everything what do you want. In centrum is a lot of bars, clubs and pubs. There are also many different shops, parks, museums, botanic gardens, old building and so on.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

From Gothenburg is easy to go Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen and town in south of Sweden. Near to Gothenburg is many nature places. You can find there many beautiful islands, lakes, forest, hills, reefs etc.




Work description

I was studying bubbles coalescence in a pilot electrolyte. It means that I was looking for some dependence between bubble coalescence (merge or bouncing) and physical properties. This work was new to me however my supervisor showed to me every laboratory techniques and explained all of the theory.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

Salary was more than enough for living in Gothenburg. I could travelling, drinking in bars and sometimes go to a restaurant.

Language requirements

Excellent English, Swedish is not necessary because everyone (old people too) speaking English very well.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

The accommodation was the worst thing in my internship. Because I was in touch with IAESTE Göteborg and they promised accommodation to mine. But one week before my arrival they told me (after my asking!!) that they do not have accommodation for me and no one can pick me up. So I had to find accommodation myself and as expected I didn't find nice housing and in far away from centrum (actually far away from everything). And the price was high.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

As I said, no one picks me up at the bus station. The truth is that they organized sauna party/event which was nice. And sometimes they wrote us about going to bars or information about the event in the city however usually during the working days. It is a pity that they do not have better structure because every member who I met were kind and friendly. I am happy that I spent time with them but...

Meeting other foreign students

During the internship, I met many foreign students. In Gothenburg is a lot of Erasmus students and students from abroad which study in one from Universities in Gothenburg. I also met people who did IAESTE internship too.

Sport and culture

In Gothenburg is a lot opportunity to make some sports. There are swimming pools, gyms, fields and so on. In Gothenburg is common to do kayaking, hiking and sailing. Who like fishing he or she can easily make it in sea, river or lakes.

Food, local specialties

Sweden doesn't have any special food. Food in Sweden is less like in Czech food. Just only one speciality is that they eat potato pancakes with marmalade and bacon. I did not believe in this, but it is really good. And naturally they have really good and fresh fish.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

Skype, Whatsapp, facebook/messenger and phone (roaming charges ended so it cost the same as in Czech) or if you have really good carrier-pigeon I am sure that you can use it. It is everything the same as in Czech. The postcard took 2-3 days to delivery.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

I'd recommend people to go to Gothenburg or any other city in Sweden, it's a beautiful country with an amazing nature and kind people.

What not to forget with you

Sport/hiking clothes and shoes. If you like fishing bring your fishing rod and equipment. Remember that in Sweden is little bit colder than in Czech. And do not forget umbrella. It is also good to bring some small present, and the best from Czech is surely beer.

Benefits of the internship

The truth is that cooperating with IAESTE in Gothenburg wasn't good and my first days were horrible. However, it was new experience for me that not everything is perfect and I am sure that this is helping me in the future.

Work experience is something different. My internship in AkzoNobel was better than my the best dreams. I learned a lot of new things, and I was working with very nice and kind people. I enjoyed the whole time, and it was amazing!

And from another hand, I was travelling, met new people, tried fishing in Sweden, enjoyed in bars, saw new culture and so on.

So I am really happy with this experience!

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

I can imagine it could be better. The first days were bad but later was good. I met with IAESTE people from Gothenburg, and they were friendly and kind. I am glad I met them and spent some time with them. But I hope they will more take care of people who arrive in the future and help them with first days.

Overall experience with IAESTE

I can't objectively say because I am a member of IAESTE. But during and before this internship cooperating with IAESTE Czech Republic was good.

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