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Ing. Diana Marková, Pardubice,
ročník 5About the country
Location of the place
The city of Beerse is situated in the Belgian province of Antwerp in the north - near the Netherlands.
Beerse has less than 17 thousand people. This is a nice city with a typical Belgian architecture. The nearest bigger city is Turnhout and Antwerp. Along the water is a nice cycle path which is from Antwerp to Netherland.
Surroundings (possible trips, ...)
I visited a lot of Belgium cities - Antwerp, Brussels, Gent, Bruggy, Oostende and Dinant. Belgium is a small country with nice places. The most beautiful is Bruggy - there are old houses with typical Belgian roofs. I also like Antwerp - it is a really nice city with big river Šelda. There are a lot of bars, restaurants, monuments and I recommend you to visit MAS - this is a museum with a nice panorama and you can see all city. Beerse is also near Amsterdam - the capital of Netherland.
Campine Beerse. This company has 3 department - lead recycling, antimony and plastics. Their specialization is non-ferrous industry. They have approximately 170 employees. The company is more than 100 years old.
Work description
I worked in antimony and plastic department. It was job in laboratory where I tested antimony trioxide and its condition (colour, particle size distribution, sieve analysis, dispersion tests, coatings, etc.). I used a lot of laboratory equipment - spark emission, ICP, XRF, FTIR, etc.
Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)
My salary was 70 € per week. It was sufficient for everything.
Language requirements
All employees spoke English and Dutch, but I spoke only English.
Accommodation (price, who provided it)
I lived with two eymployees from Campine and their family. The company paid everything for me and I didn't pay anything for accommodation and food. The accommodation provided by IAESTE and Campine.
Social life
Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)
I didn't meet anybody from IAESTE, because I live further from Gent. And people from Campine picked me up at the airport. But people from IAESTE contacted me on Facebook and she gave me a lot of tips. I didn't have problem with communication.
Meeting other foreign students
No, I met only friends of my family where I lived. The student city where is the university - Gent - was more than one hour far.
Sport and culture
The first family was really sporting. Mostly I went to run and when the weather was nice I rode a bike and skates. In Belgium are a lot of festivals during summer.
Food, local specialties
I prepared lunch at home when I almost ate sandwiches. The dinner cooked family yourself. The most famous Belgian food is Belgian fries. You can eat fries in each bigger city. The other popular food is Belgian waffles.
Other information
Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic
I communiacted by Skype, e-mail and mobile phone. And I sent the postcards to my family.
Recommendations for students who will go to the same place
You have to go to the internship and get a lot of experiences. This is the best experience for the future, for your live and for your future job. You can meet new people and their culture.
What not to forget with you
Good mood and waterproof jacket :)
Benefits of the internship
I recognized new country, their culture and tradition. I improved also English and recognized new language. Generally I get new experience for my future life.
Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country
It was really good. I didnť have any problem with communicaion with IAESTE.
Overall experience with IAESTE
Student's website
Employer's webiste
Other useful links
Other comments