Internship Feedback

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Bc. Jaroslav Hanák, CTU Prague, ročník 6

Faculty Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Field of study Process engineering
Field of internship Engineering, Other
Specialization of InternshipPetroleum Engineering
Internship period (from - to) 4.7.2016 - 14.8.2016
Internship duration (weeks) 6
Transport (means, price) Plane - 370 euro
Insurance/Insurance company Alpenverein/ Generali
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) Tourist visa
Price of Visa 20 RO - one month
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Oman, Muscat
Internship reference number OM-2016-24-L

About the country

Location of the place

Housing - Al Koudh - district in suburbs of Muscat, located nearby Sultan Qaboos University (approximately 15 min by car).

Company - Al Khuwayr north - one of the districts in central Muscat. Located approximately 1 hour by bus from SQU.


Muscat - is the capital and largest metropolitan city of Oman. It is also the seat of government and largest city in the Governorate of Muscat. Population is approximately 1,5 millions. Low-lying white buildings typify most of Muscat's urban landscape, while the port-district of Muttrah, with its corniche and harbour, form the north-eastern periphery of the city. Muscat's economy is dominated by trade, petroleum and porting.
There is almost no public transport - therefore valid international driving license is strongly recommended (price for the car rental per day is around 14 RO).

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Wadi Shab - amazing valley with stunning sceneries and great opportunities for swimming (2 hours by car from Muscat).
Wadi Bani Khalid - another wadi. There is a cave with underground river at the end of wadi (flashlight recommended).
Hawiyat Najm - sinkhole park (perfect for swimming) - 1,5 hours by car from Muscat.
Bahla fort - historical fort, it is included on UNESCO's list of World Heritage site. (2,5 hours by car from Muscat)
Jebel Shams - mountains with stunning sceneries (4 hours by car from Muscat).
Ras al-Jinz Turtle Reserve - unique opportunity to see nesting sea turtles (3,5 hours by car from Muscat).
Nizwa - city with old forth and souq (traditional market).
Quad biking in Bawshar (suburb of Muscat) - price for quad depends on engine size (for 450 ccm its around 14 RO)
Muscat - Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, Muttrah souq, Opera house, palace ...
Dubai - 7 hours by bus from Muscat, price for the bus ticket is 5,5 for single way ticket



Valdel LLC is an established engineering company in Oman.

Valdel LLC is an associate company of India's well known Oil & gas engineering consultant and project management company Valdel E&C, based in Bangalore, India.

Initially focused on Oil and Gas sectors, Valdel E&C has over the past two decades grown to become a fully diversified Engineering Company, offering a spectrum of services addressing the needs of a wide variety of industries such as: Oil & Gas, Petroleum Refining, Petrochemicals, Pipelines, Power, Minerals & Metals, Plastics & Polymers.

Work description

I have received training in the fundamentals of the Mechanical Design of Static Equipment and Pump Sizing Calculation deployed in Oil and Gas Industry.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

150 RO - sufficient enough (I have paid 100 RO for housing per month).

Language requirements

English - most of the engineers come from India - it is better to be a little bit familiar with Indian accent.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Accommodation was provided by SQU. All the interns lived together in one building (with 6 flats). Price for the housing was 100 RO per month.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

Pick-up at the airport: There was no one waiting for me (my plane was 2 hours delayed + it was close to iftar :D) - so I had to buy simcard, call Mr. Moad (contact person) and took the taxi.

Events were organized each weekend (usually on Saturday) + it was quite common to see IAESTE friends almost each night ( = going with them for bowling, food, movie, shopping etc. )

Meeting other foreign students

As I wrote, all interns lived all together in the same building. So there was a lot of opportunities to meet them :)

Sport and culture

There was a gym nearby accommodation, also small beach volleyball pitch, bowling at SQU etc...
Cinema was in nearby shopping center (City center - 2 RO by taxi to get there )

Food, local specialties

Food was provided for free by SQU canteen (for me just breakfast and dinner). Breakfast - usually some bakery, cheese, sauce, eggs, omelets etc.
Diner - salad, side dish, and main meal was: rice and meat, rice and chicken, or pasta.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

Bad - limited internet connection (FUP 75 GB for all interns per month, or we had to buy new data package per 23 OR), skype and other VOIP programs are blocked by government (it is necessary to use VPN). So i was using mostly voice memo on whatsapp.

I is better to be ready for really bad internet connection (like mobile data on your phone). Also in comparison with Europe, mobile data are quite expensive (so check out actual offer of Omani mobile operators:!ut/p/z1/hY5PC4JAFMQ_iwev7ttaTbtthUoIHiSyvYTGthqbK6sp9OlbKoKgP3N7b34zDGIoR6wphloUfa2aQpp7x7x9MJn4MSE4iWLsAd2E2SJaZjhNCNr-A5ix4YsomDy7I6-GNKQroBiCmUtCAB8_gR8da8SEVOVjLm3KqS8Q0_zINdfORZt31fdtN7fBhnEcHaGUkNw5XG34lKhU16P8DUTtOYeTK4eEWtYN5xkWyw!!/dz/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/ )

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Be ready for "there is a lot of time, take it easy and relax" = "Inshallah" mentality :)
Try to hang out with locals as much as possible (I have never before met such kind and helpful people as Omani people), plan weekend trips by yourself for Fridays (otherwise you will have to wait in the dormitory). Always be prepared for the worst possible scenario :D (my arrival to Oman is good example).
Enjoy Oman - it is great country!

What not to forget with you

- international driving license
- shoes for swimming (great for wadis)
- waterproof camera
- sunglasses
- you can take legally into the country one bottle of alcohol :D (I didn't know this unfortunately)
- small presents for locals :)
- laptop with a lot of movies
- power adapter ( powercube rewirable worked well for me)
- international debit card (in my case Mastercard from Unicredit)
- small flashlight (for Wadi Bani Khalid and Ras al-Jinz)
- sweater (because of AC, it might be quite cold in the office)
- something to kill time while waiting for the bus driver (book, music, mobile games ... )

Benefits of the internship

Huge appreciation for this privilege to live in Czech republic, public transport in Prague etc ... :D
Chance to work in a company with totally different cultural background.
Informations about EPC and Oil and gas industry.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Before arrival - very poor - I was asking for the location of the accommodation + contact info to the person who was supposed to pick me up at the airport - without response (two emails). Also it was impossible to find working FB group and FB page for IAESTE Oman + really old info in survival guide.
After arrival - not that bad (with few exceptions) - IAESTE friends were usually quite helpful (special thanks for Basam and Bishr!).

Overall experience with IAESTE

Good - I am really glad I have applied for this internship

Student's website

Employer's webiste

Other useful links

Tripadvisor, blogs about Oman, FB page Muscat - where can i find ?

Other comments

It is much cheaper to go from Muscat to Dubai by bus then by plane (for people from schengen countries it is without problems). The only thing you have to be aware is your Omani visa - it is not multi-entrance visa, so you have to buy new one on the way back.
Or it might be nice to visit Dubai before/ after internship. Probably also Abu Dhabi (but i don't have personal experience with this city).

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Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
© 2017 IAESTE Czech Republic
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