Internship Feedback

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MSc. Tomáš Kotiza, Brno University of Technology, ročník 6

Faculty Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Field of study Mechanical Engineering
Field of internship Engineering, Other
Specialization of Internship- - - - - - - - - -
Internship period (from - to) 19.9.2016 - 16.12.2016
Internship duration (weeks) 13
Transport (means, price) Airplane (Aeroflot - 16500CZK)
Insurance/Insurance company ISIC (Annual, 3300CZK)
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) VISA
Price of Visa 50 USD
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Vietnam, Thai Nguyen
Internship reference number VN-2016-TNUT-01

About the country

Location of the place

Thai Nguyen city - Thai Nguyen Province, North Vietnam, approximately 80km north from Hanoi.


Thai Nguyen city is quite busy city with 307,000 citizens. Not so much interesting from history and lanscape side, but many shops, restaurants and cafes.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Thai Nguyen province is famous by producing of the best green tea in Vietnam and on the west side are nice mountains and big lake.
Hanoi - Capital city of Vietnam
Ha Long Bay - The most famous place in Vietnam, UNESCO
Sapa - Mountain city, ethnic people
Ban Gioc waterfall - 4th biggest waterfall on the world, on the borders with China
Ba Be National park - quite and peaceful national park with the biggest natural lake in Vietnam
North Vietnam is wonderful and worth to see, whole Vietnam you have to see :-)



Thai Nguyen University of Technology, located 7km from the city centre. University campus contain many faculties, 6 big dormitories, place with services for students (buffets, copier, laundry, shop, cafe). I worked at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. My supervisor teaches technical subjects in English. We got one working room with my German roommate.

Work description

Every intern got project theme, depend on field of study. My project aim was create computation model of jet engine shaft from Gripen aircraft and provide rotordynamic analysis in Ansys Workbench simulation software. Modal analysis and frequency response analysis was provided. Output of the project was written report and presentation at the end of internship.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

2,500,000 VND ... Sufficient for living costs and entertainment, but not enough for every weekend traveling. Food at buffets costs about 20,000 VND (20 CZK) so cheaper than in Czech Republic. Pubs on the streets are really inexpensive. Generally everything is cheaper or equal.

Language requirements

English B1 is enough. Vietnamese students are not so good in English, but teachers know English very well and foreign students as well. Is helpful to learn some basic Vietnamese words about food, greetings, traveling, etc. They appreciate your knoledges (market, buffet, village, pub).

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Shared room in dormitory with other 3 interns (Scotland, Austria, Germany). We had our own bathroom, 2 toilets, water heater, A/C, girls had washing machine in next to our room. Accommodation was provided by the university, but we paid additional fees for electricity and water if we exceed limits.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

I was picked up at the airport by university student. IAESTE Vietnam with their volunteers organised so many good events and trips. They are very friendly and help you when you have some issues (VISA). I could see intensive effort to open Vietnam for much more interns than before, also opportunity for Vietnamese students to go abbroad.

Meeting other foreign students

In the city are so many foreign interns and students, because there is a boom of private english schools for kids and also Faculty of Education and International studies. At my university were about 9 interns (boys (Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Scotland) and girls (Poland, Thailand, Japan)) and in the city another around 6 IAESTE interns (UK, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Scotland, France, Czech Republic). We met each other every week at some beer place and travel together almost every weekend.

Sport and culture

Running, volleyball, basketball, football, gym, riding motorbike. Organized events by IAESTE and just evening hang outs at beer places with tasting of so many kinds of snacks with mug of beer. Traveling almost every weekend. Sharing culture differences between interns and Vietnamese.

Food, local specialties

Local buffets in university campus or buffets on the street. Traditional market with fruits, vegetables, meat etc. Small shops with production food. I liked Vietnamese cuisine, but for me it was so salty sometimes. I had opportunity to taste many specialities, like chicken claw, quail embryo, dog meat, pigeon, worm, seafood, hot pot.

Cơm - Rice with many kind of meal (meat, vegetable, tofu, penauts, fish, egg)
Phở or Bún - Noodle soup with chicken, beef or pork
Bánh Mì - Sandwich with meat or egg, vegetables and chilli sauce

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

By post and common modern communication methods (Facebook, Skype, E-mail etc.)

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Don´t be scared and be open mind to new experiences. If you accept it, it will be your best experience in your life. Don´t waste your time and use it fully to discover Vietnam and their culture.

What not to forget with you

Open mind. Light jacket and jeans for colder days in winter and for motorbike. Enough place for souvenirs. Otherwise you can buy everything. Problem can have tall people, because is almost impossible to buy long trousers, jacket and big shoes.

Benefits of the internship

New knowledges and experiences of Ansys Workbench simulation software. I can say, that my English is improved and i am not shy to speak English anymore. I have changed my view on the world and people from other countries.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Before i arrived to Vietnam, i had some kind of prejudice about IAESTE in Vietnam and country. But now i can say that it was pointless because everything was excellent. They helped me so many times. VISA application, extension. Very friendly leadership by Bui Thanh Huong and her volunteers.

Overall experience with IAESTE

I can recommend cooperation with IAESTE association. They offer you the biggest opportunity to go abroad and learn something different than on the university, have a fun and i believe that your potential employer will apreciate this experience.

Student's website

Employer's webiste

Other useful links

Other comments

Thank you so much for this opportunity to go there and spend 3 month full of unforgettable experiences!

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Robert Bosch
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Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
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Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
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