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Bc. Petra Janská, UCT Prague, ročník 1.

Faculty Chemical engineering
Field of study Chemical engineering and Bioengineering
Field of internship Physical Sciences, Other
Specialization of InternshipChemical Engineering
Internship period (from - to) 1.8.2016 - 1.10.2016
Internship duration (weeks) 9
Transport (means, price) plane/ 25000 CZ
Insurance/Insurance company UNIQUE
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) working visa
Price of Visa 100 USD + R$315
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Brazil, Araraquara
Internship reference number BR-2016-1023SP

About the country

Location of the place

Araraquara is located in the state of Sao Paulo, about four hours bus ride from Sao Paulo.


Araraquara is a city with about 200,000 residents. It is industrial city, there is a factory for orange juice, which you can smell everyday. It is a safe and peaceful city.
City name means "house of the sun", which is entirely peculiar, because here during our summer (when it's cold here) was not rain so often. It's a bit like the desert during the day you can wear T-shirt but during the night is quite cold.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Around Araraquara you cannot find so many tourist places, but there is one park which is 1 hour from centre by walking. Its is very nice and you can find small waterfall and some picknic places. Further, other park is 1,5 hour from Araraquara. Its name is Brotas. There is a possibility of rafting or visits to natural phenomena such as the waterfalls.
But for me was the most interesting places Foz de Iguacu, Rio and Ubatuba.



Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Araraquara, Sao Paulo, Brasil

Work description

I worked on the project: " Development of cosmetics - test of stability, quality control (physical, chemistry), sensory analysis and SPF evaluation. In the first place, were prepared sunscreens with different types of Brazilien biodiversity oils. All samples were exposed at different stress conditions with aim to measure the stability of sunscreens during the time. Afterwards, SPF evaluation, viscosity measurement and pH were used for evaluate stability of sunscreens.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

R$700, if a person wants to eat on rice or beans and sometimes even try some local food, fruit or travel ... so it's probably not enough money

Language requirements

It is good to know a little bit portugues, but english is enought.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

I lived in a student house with seven Brazilians and three other European IAESTE interns from Poland, Germany and Greece and shared a room with one girl. We had a shared kitchen, living room, three bathrooms and a courtyard.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

One girl from IASTE pick me up in the airport. She spent whole day with me in Sao Paulo and then She helped me buy a ticket to Araraquara.
An IAESTE volunteer from our city organized a bar and barbecue show, showed us their campus and organized an excursion to a park with a guided hike.

Meeting other foreign students

Because volunteer from IASTE organised some barbecue I met a lot of people from other countries (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Ireland and Argentina)

Sport and culture

In campus you can play volleyball and football. In city you can find a nice park where you can go jogging.

Food, local specialties

We cooked a lot together with my roomates and tasted Brazilian food like Feijoada, Pão de queijo, cassava and delicious, fresh fruits like mango, mamao and papaya. Aҫai, a kind of sorbet from Aҫai berries.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

We had a wifi in our house, so I can communicate through whatsup, emails or skype.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

I would highly recommend an internship in Brazil. The lives and the work are very different from those in Czech, which has many experiences. We were warmly welcomed by the Brazilians and through the open nature of the people one can quickly find connections and feel at home. A tip is to learn Portuguese. An A1 course helps to get around in everyday life. If you can do more, of course, the chatting is even more fun. Anyone who can speak Spanish is clearly in the advantage.
Especially by living with Brazilians and working with Brazilians you get the daily life very well. The greatest experience was for me to experience the different way to life. More the everyday experiences than the tourist attractions will surely remain in my head and have shaped me and my personality. I have not only learned about Brazil and other people, but I also got to know myself better.

What not to forget with you

Sunscreen and repelent

Benefits of the internship

It was very great oportunity to work in country and meet new people.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

They were very helpful.

Overall experience with IAESTE

It was very good opportunity.

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