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Ing. Peter Sadel, Brno University of Technology, ročník 5

Faculty Faculty of chemistry
Field of study Biotechnology and food science
Field of internship Physical Sciences, Other
Specialization of InternshipBiochemistry
Internship period (from - to) 7.11.2016 - 16.12.2016
Internship duration (weeks) 6
Transport (means, price) car, 8 euros
Insurance/Insurance company Generali
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no visa required
Price of Visa -
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Poland, Krakow
Internship reference number PL-2016-AGH009

About the country

Location of the place

Krakow lies in the southern part of Poland not far away from Slovakian and Czech republic borders.


Krakow is the second largest city of Poland and population is around 700 000. This city is situated on the Vistula River (usually written as Wisla River). Kraków has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, cultural, and artistic life and is one of Poland's most important economic hubs. It was the capital of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland from 1038 to 1569. It has been the capital of Lesser Poland Voivodeship since 1999. Krakow is cited as one of Europe's most beautiful cities, as well as one of the most unique destinations in the world,its extensive cultural heritage includes the Wawel Cathedral and the Royal Castle on the banks of the Vistula river, the St. Mary's Basilica and the largest medieval market square in Europe, the Rynek Główny.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

To see whole Krakow and all of the monuments many days are needed. You can also visit Wieliczka salt mine, Oswiecim, Zakopane - all of these places are not far away from Krakow. Flights from Poland are generally cheap so there is another way how to travel abroad.



AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland

Work description

The work included research on the problems of wastewater biotechnology, and water biofilm growing on the plastic carriers in the MBBR technology. Microscopic analysis of microorganism community in biofilm growing in diffrent conditions due to types of wastewater. I also participated on one project and visited wastewater treatment plant.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

For one month I got 800 zl. There is only one problem - money are paid during next month so at the beginning you will need your own money. I think that with 800 zl for one month it is possible to survive but I spent more (there were some trips, I ate in restaurants or canteens two times per day, etc.).

Language requirements

In Poland it is not common that everybody speaks English. I used also Slovak language and some words from Polish language. Especially in canteens there was a problem to speak in English (staff is not young and they do not use English).

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

I lived in a dorm called Kapitol in a room with 2 another students (one from India and another from Ghana). Room was not big and I think it was suitable only for 2 people not more. With three another rooms we had common bathroom and toilet. Kitchen was for whole floor. Everything was clean and I liked accommodation. Price for one month was around 355 zl but after paying money I received mine money back during next month (so it was for free).

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

Before my arrival everything important was solved with IAESTE members through facebook. I was picked-up by one member from IAESTE and she showed me dorm and helped me to accommodate. During that day we had also first event where I met another IAESTE members and trainees from IAESTE. During my stay there were maybe 3 or 4 events organized by IAESTE.

Meeting other foreign students

I was last trainee from IAESTE for a year 2016. After 2 weeks of my arrival there were no trainees from IAESTE only Erasmus students. As mentioned above I lived with students from Ghana and India. On the some floor there was one student from Spain and one from Ukraine. During my internship I met also Russian students or students from Africa. And of course I met many local students from Poland.

Sport and culture

Near dorms there are many playgrounds when you can play football or basketball and everything was for free. Maybe 100 metres from my dorm there was AGH basen - swimming pool but I was not allowed to enter because of my swimsuit (they have pockets which are not allowed - little bizarre). If you want to do some exercises there are many gyms all around dorms.
As I wrote Krakow is a centre of culture and there is always something you can visit.

Food, local specialties

Food is cheap and I visited many places. Usually it was possible for me to buy lunch (soup, main meal, salad and some drink) from 10 to 13 zl. You can try zapiekanka or pierogi.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

No problem. You can use your phone or internet.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Krakow is beautiful city with many historical buildings or monuments. Everything in Poland is cheap. People are kind.

What not to forget with you

Maybe ethernet cable but in a dorm there was wifi.

Benefits of the internship

Language (English and Polish); new people (new contacts); working in international team, disaffiliation

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

We were in touch for whole stay and everything was nice and okay.

Overall experience with IAESTE

Very good. Everything was arranged from accommodation to my work.

Student's website

Employer's webiste

Other useful links


Other comments


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