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bachelor Lea Guzmicka, Brno University of Technology, ročník 2

Faculty Faculty of Electrical engeneering and telecomunications
Field of study Biomedical technologies
Field of internship Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Specialization of InternshipBiotechnology
Internship period (from - to) 4.7.2016 - 19.8.2016
Internship duration (weeks) 7
Transport (means, price) plane
Insurance/Insurance company Allianz
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) yes
Price of Visa 80 Euros
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Brazil, Campinas
Internship reference number BR-2016-0307SP

About the country

Location of the place

Campinas is for our proportions big city with approximetly one million residents. It is located in midllleland of country about hour bus ride from metropolis Sao Paulo


City is as I mentioned big for people from our contry at first place. That can be see during taking public transport witch can easily take two hours bus ride to place which is located 1 hour walking distance for example. I didn!t felt as it was a degerous place if you take cautions and listenn to locals. And when they say is better to take the bus even it takes longer you do that. City on his own doesnt have something as city center to which we are used to in Europe. Is moreover concentration fof houses, shops, companies and so on.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Not far from Campinas is well-know Sao Paul. For sure when it is so close its wroth to visit but there is not much to see. Make som good plan with friends and go enjoy big city but don't expect more. Close is also town called Jundiaí which I had opportunity to visit and spent there some time.



Employer in my case was well-know brasilian university UNICAMP. Its big university having campus next to Campinas. During my stay was issued chart of best univeristies in world and UNICAMP holds second place in Latin America. That speaks for its own.

Work description

My work placement was in University laboratories as an assistant. The team there envoved me to all their research work.I didn't get my own project based on my short stay. I followed basic and more specifict laboratory work with supervision of my collagues.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

Well nobody goes there for earning money but since accomodation fees takes a lot from what you earn, it wouldn't be horrible to get more. In case you go there to live just from money you earn its not sufficient.

Language requirements

Luckily at my work placemant almost everybody spoke sufficient English.Which is not so comoon in general in Brasil. My professor was fluent but I also met other treinees who wasn't so blessed.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Firstlly I got accomodation from local Ieaste (CI) Agency. Unfortunatly my first impression when I arrived was horrible and I dicided to change it. After discussion with local representative I change it for one I found on my own. The level was batter from the same price only thing was it was in city not so close as the first one picked up by agency. So both of them had their pros and cons.Generally level of accomodation in Brasill is much lower then Europe so for the Europeans traveling there I just adviced to get over it.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

My pick-up arranged by local Iaeste was more then great.They helped me lot and welcomed me warmly. we became firends and even met few times during my stay. They (couple) was willing to help me anytime I needed even they was from other city close to Campinas.Also my host in Rio during the travel there was welcoming and showed me all around and dedicete her time to my stay and programe in Rio.

Meeting other foreign students

I met other foreign students thanks to FB group estabilished for Iaeste exchange students trought which we arranged some trips. Also helpful was living in Republica which is common house share by students in Brasil. The connections with people is easily made when you want and when you go abroad. You stick together since you are in same situation.

Sport and culture

Sport I practised on my own like running. Few times I was taken with my collague to her fitness classes since fitness entrance here is just for long term subscription. Culture here is open since people are really welcoming and willing to invite you their homes,to their birthdays and since they are also relegious even to the church with them .They enjoy lot music, food, and friendly open speaking.

Food, local specialties

Food is not so different from middle Europe one. Main difference is that cusine there combains everything with everything. Sweet food is more sweet then you expact and salty also but there you do not spot it so easily as with sweet. Local specialties contins of Feijoada, rice and beans, farofa, coxinha and for state of Sao Paulo Pao de Quiejo (that you must try is amazing).

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

normal we are in time of Internet, but it was not necesarry.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Just enjoy it , I don't know what else

What not to forget with you

Watch out for weather. I was there in their winter our summer althought I expect it I wasn't prepared enought. Barsilians told me in their conutry you have all season in one week.

Benefits of the internship

Work experience in abroad is highly awarded in your CV. You learn stuff and meet great people. Whole thing is benefit.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

They was helpful, told me all I needed but guy who was in charge of my stay was little bit confused. He sent me few times at my beginnings to wrong places, but who cares. They helped me a lot when I lost my Uni card. So no complains.

Overall experience with IAESTE

I think I good thing for everybody to live and work abroad . IAESTE is offering safe and enriching internship in your major even over the half of planet.

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Employer's webiste

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Robert Bosch
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Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
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Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
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