Internship Feedback

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Halina Katsialevich, CTU Prague, ročník 4

Faculty of food&biochemical technology
Field of study biotechnology of pharmaceuticals
Field of internship Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Specialization of InternshipPharmacology
Internship period (from - to) 1.7.2016 - 31.12.2016
Internship duration (weeks) 26
Transport (means, price) bus 20€
Insurance/Insurance company Die Continentale
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no
Price of Visa -
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Germany, Berlin
Internship reference number DE-2016-2023-2

About the country

Location of the place

Germany is located in central-western Europe borders with Czech Rep. It includes 16 districts. It is the second most popular immigration destination in the world. The capital of Germany is Berlin - the city I stayed during my internship. Other major cities are Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt and Stuttgart. It is very easy and quite cheap to travel to any city inside the country by bus,blabla car or train.


Berlin is the largest city in Germany. The population is ca 3.6 million people. Located in northeastern Germany on the banks of rivers Spree and Havel. Berlin is a city of culture,politics,science and media. The city is various from place to place: it could give a feeling you are in Vienna, cozy narrowed streets with tons of cafes and coffee shops, breathtaking architecture, shopping centres, small private fancy shops, expensive cars and so on. Either it could be a part of Berlin where techno culture dominates - small dirty bars and beer pubs with broken furniture and painted with different colors walls with weird posters and sayings on it. Despite of such non-popular design , you feel like it is such special and one of a kind place, like it is not possible to drop by for a famous german beer at the same one like this again.
I think no matter what kind of person stays in Berlin,noone will be ever bored in this city. It is simply not possible not to fall in love with that city.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

It is no problem if you are planning to travel any destination inside Germany. From Berlin for not very high price (up on destination) you can travel by bus, train or blabla car as a passenger with strangers if you are brave and are not scared of such trips ( it is cheaper than travelling with a bus or train). Must visit are the cities: Potsdam (last station of S-Bahn in Berlin), Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt and Munich.



Molnár-Institute for applied chromatography in Berlin.
Dr.Imre Molnár is the head of the company. He was born in Hungary, has been living in Germany for lots of years after.He spent the following two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Bioengineering at Yale University.
for further info:

Work description

Molnár-Institute for applied chromatography in Berlin was founded in 1981. The company works on programming the software DryLab. Also, a part of the scientific work is HPLC technique.
During my internship (6 months) I was mostly concentrated on work with analytical chemistry, studying separations of pharmaceutical compounds, mainly the work considered the usage of DryLab software. It is a software for separation science. As a task my collegue from Brazil (also an intern) and me had to make a mixture of single samples of pharmaceuticals, analyze it using HPLC technique and later on work with DryLab software that predicts the chromatograms under a much wider range of experimental conditions than would ever be possible in the laboratory.

P.S. Office is located in a very quite area with a big supermarket KAUFLAND just 3 mins walking. We had a kitchen with microwave oven and dish washer, coffee machine, dished, pans and so on in office, so lots of coworkers cooked the food there. Was hard to find cafes or restaurants close by for take away.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

400€ + 250€ DAAD Stipendium.
No. At least 200-350€ more.

Language requirements

English B2-C1 or German B2-C1. Umportant to know Vocabulary that considers the knowlendge of chemical expressions and words.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

It is up to you either to look for the place yourself (what is extremelly hard to do in Berlin in a short period of time) or ask people from IAESTE organisation in Berlin. The room they found for me was very nice, fully furnished, the price was 300€ (per month)all accomodation fees included. In appartment there was a living room, one more bedroom, kitchen with a dish washer and a washing machine,a bathroom. I was living with a landlady, so I did not have to leave the deposit. The cleaning lady was cleaning the place weekly.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

Members from IAESTE always pick up a new coming intern in a place mentioned before in the documents about your arrival. They bring an intern to show the accomodation, next or same day a buddy (a person who will help during the stay) meets the intern and shows the work place. We had a WhatsApp group with all members from IAESTE organisation in Berlin and all interns, so it was very easy to stay in touch with people and make plans and offers about future events/trips/meetings for beer.

Meeting other foreign students

Was easy. Weekly in IAESTE office were organized parties for meeting new people and saying bye to the old ones. Plus trips, meetings during the week, trips and so so on.

Sport and culture

I went to the swimming pool Schwimm- und Sprunghalle im Europasportpark (SSE) in Landsberger Allee(Ring Bahn station) Sand Schwimmhalle Fischerinsel in Spittelmarkt(U-Bahn,U2 Linie station).Student price was 3€ no time limit. The pool in Landsberger Allee was 50cm length, very clean, water 27C.
The one in Spittelmarkt was much smaller, the temperature of water about 28C, the price was the samr. Also a sauna for additional price 6€ for 2h.

Food, local specialties

Lots of different places to eat for a different price. Due to the fact that Berlin is a super international city it is easy to find any cuisine, fastfood place or restaurant.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

Absolutely no problem. But I did not have the necessity to contact IAESTE members in Prague.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

You will definitely need more money that 650€ per month! And keep in mind that the first month of the internship you will have to pay for accomodation and monthly ticket for public transport from your pocket (plus the deposit-Kaution). The salary and DAAD Stupenduim will be paid only at the end of the first month.
Keep all the tickets(from cinema,museum,galery,travel tickets any others) and monthly cards for public transport. If the final amount of those will give in sum at least 200€ , half of it (100€) will be payed back by IAESTE organisation!
Plus, if the rental is more than 290€ per month, the difference will be probably payed back.Ask the responsible person in Berlin IAESTE organisation.

What not to forget with you

Passport, ID card, cash money in EUR, insurance, probably a map of the city or of public transport.

Benefits of the internship

I will never regret I decided to go for an internship. It is an awesome unique opportunity to gain the first experience that will be helpful in the future to find a job in the field. Also it is a chance to meet other people from all over the world, speak different languages, also improve the ones you speak, discover the world, the country you travel to, know more about the culture, traditions, food. It is a great chance to know yourself better, to realize the real goals in life and try to achieve them. This is something very different in comparison to live a student life and being daily in Uni. =)
I would love to have such an experience again and again and I will definitely go somewhere else in the near future.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Mostly was no problem. Just pay more attention to the new information, so that you will not miss important things! Members in IAESTE were busy with Uni but at the same time tried to be helpful and open-minded to interns. And all of them speak English quite well =)

Overall experience with IAESTE

I am glad there is such an organisation that provides to students from different countries to gain the experience in the field they are getting a diploma. Members are helpful in both countries, considering me I was always heard by the people I asked to.

Student's website

Please, contact contact me on fb -> Halina Katsialevich

Employer's webiste

Other useful links

going out techno ->
shopping -> kudamm berlin (street with shops)

Other comments

I want to thank everyone who helped me from the first day I applied for the internship till the last day of it. The time I spent in Berlin was something I will never forget. The experience I got there will be very useful for me. These bright moments of a half year stay will remain in my memory forever. I am saying from the bottom of my heart: Thank you very, very much, guys!

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Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
© 2017 IAESTE Czech Republic
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