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Ing. Pavel Karlovský, CTU Prague, ročník 7

Faculty Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Field of study Power electronic, motor control
Field of internship Engineering, Other
Specialization of InternshipElectrical and Electronics Engineering
Internship period (from - to) 5.7.2016 - 26.8.2016
Internship duration (weeks) 8
Transport (means, price) Emirates, 16 000 CZK
Insurance/Insurance company Allianz, 4100 CZK
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) yes
Price of Visa 190 HKD for visa and 350 HKD for delivery to Czech Republic
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  China - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Internship reference number HK-2016-EE-02

About the country

Location of the place

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China and is located on the coast of southeast Asia.


Hong Kong is very alive and busy city. 7 million of people live there on a very small place so the population density is incredible. They have a lot of skyscrapers to accommodate the people. On the other side, the most of the land is uninhabited.
The city has very good public transportation, especially metro lines that covers all important part of the land. And they are still building new lines. It is very convenient especially during peak hours when buses are stuck in a traffic jam.
Chinese love flashing color lights. After sunset everything in the city shines and flashes. From signs in street markets to whole skyscrapers. Good place to see that is at harbor on Symphony of Lights that takes place every day in the evening.
During summer the temperatures in Hong Kong are around 30°C and the humidity barely sinks under 80%. This means that every room has its own AC conditioner so inside it is very cold and outside very hot.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

In Hong Kong is a lot of places to visit. I can recommend Big Buddha, Victoria peak, Symphony of Lights, Sky100 or Ocean park. I was surprised that near the city there is a lot of uninhabited nature with a lot of mountains and hiking trails. You can easily reach them with metro and buses. There is also a lot of small islands with nice beaches. Outside of Hong Kong you can go to Macau. The ferry goes there every 15 minutes and the journey takes about 1 hour. You even don't need visa. Going to Shenzhen in Mainland China is also easy. The border is achieved by metro then you cross the border and on the other side you can continue with Shenzhen metro. If you visit only Shenzhen then you can ask for visa on arrival and you do not have to arrange anything in advance. Or from airport you can fly to anywhere.



I was employed at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University at the Department of Electrical Engineering. The University campus is located in the center of the city and it is in walking distance from dormitory. My employer didn't have enough time to meet with me regularly so he gave me one of his PhD. student as a supervisor to help me with everything I needed. I was then consulting all technical stuff with him.

Work description

I could have chosen the topic of my project on the first day at the University. My assignment was more like student project than something they might use afterwards. It consisted of a design and practical realization of a flyback DC/DC convertor. So during the design I worked mainly from dormitory or library and then I bought the necessary components for the practical realization and started the experimental work in a laboratory. I paid for it by myself and the University gave me the money later.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

I received 9000 HKD per month. It was sufficient for living there. But if you plan to travel, then it is not enough.

Language requirements

English is required, Chinese is not. People at University and at offices speak english at good level, but sometimes it can be very hard to understand Chinese people speaking english. In restaurants and shops they don't speak english at all but still they are always happy to help.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

I was accommodated at Homantin Hall of Residence. It is a dormitory for students ant it was provided to me by the University.
At arrival, I paid 500 HKD as deposit and the fee for first month of accommodation. One night costs 80 HKD there. The deposit had to be paid in cash but the fee could be paid by credit card.
The rooms were for two or three students. In every rooms there was AC conditioner and everyone has its own bed, table, chair and wardrobe. There was enough space in the rooms and they were clean. At the beginning of internship the halls were almost empty but before the start of new semester it became crowded.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

One day before my departure from Prague, I received email from Hong Kong IAESTE member with information where he will wait for me and how can I get there. I took bus from the airport and met him at station without problems. Because I bought local sim card at the airport, I was in touch with him from the airport so we found ourself more easily.
We had some officially organized events. For example official lunch in a fancy restaurant near the end of internship. Otherwise, we had a lot of trips to different parts of the city, but they were not officially organized (even though everyone including local IAESTE members was there).

Meeting other foreign students

We met everyday, were going out together for some trips and were hanging out in the evenings. Mainly because we all lived in the same student dormitory.

Sport and culture

There is a gym, ping pong table, game room, dance room, piano room and snooker in the dormitory. At the University there are sport grounds and swimming pool. Or renting a bike or a boat in the countryside is possible. There are also some theaters, cinemas and museum that it is worth to visit. Many of museums are free entrance on certain days.

Food, local specialties

In dormitory and at the University there are canteens with reasonable prices. They serve local and european food. The restaurants in the streets are almost everywhere and you can find good prices. Most often they serve all kinds of soups. And there is a lot of Mc Donald's. It is also possible to cook by yourself in dormitory as there is a kitchen on every floor.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

You can communicate through the internet very easily. Internet is free in the dormitory and University. You can use Facebook and Google freely as Hong Kong is not behind Great Firewall of China. The only problem can be the time shift between Czech Republic and Hong Kong.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

If you want to open bank account in Hong Kong, do it at the beginning. You can buy Octopus card and local sim card at the airport.

What not to forget with you

long sleeves, long trousers, umbrella, sunscreen, something typical Czech (like Becherovka)

Benefits of the internship

I learnt something new about DC/DC converters.
I learnt what is it like on prestigious universities of the world.
I met a lot of new friends.
I visited new places.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

They are nice and fun. Most of them live in the same dormitory so we met every day and all problems could be dealt immediately.

Overall experience with IAESTE


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Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
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Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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