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Jakub Brandejs, Brno University of Technology, ročník 2

Faculty Faculty of mechanical engeneering
Field of study Quality, responsibility, safety
Field of internship Physical Sciences, Other
Specialization of InternshipPetroleum Engineering
Internship period (from - to) 18.7.2016 - 9.9.2016
Internship duration (weeks) 8
Transport (means, price) By plane to Kievn then from Kiev to Amman, prize was about 280 EUR
Insurance/Insurance company Kooperativa
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) Yes
Price of Visa 40 JD
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Jordan, Amman
Internship reference number JO-2016-ME-03

About the country

Location of the place

Hotel in which we stayed in was near 5th circle meaning that is was kinda close everywhere we needed to go. The brave ones just took a buses (not an easy thing in Amman) and all others like me was jsut taking taxi.


Amman is sadly the most expensive city of middle east (not from my head) so prices suited that statement. I personaly enjoyed the historical part of city like citadel, roman theater etc. But the most of the city I unfortunately didnt find very nice. For me the city was dirty (not fault of city but the people in it) and the buildings looked all the same, brownish cubes, but that is jsut my opinion.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Joran is not big country so it was possible to travel with little bit of patience almost everywhere. Meaning that we visited almost every know places that we wanted like Petra, Wadi rum, Jerash etc.



Jordan Petroleum is a quit a big company meaning that we weren't only trainees that've been there. Sadly the experience wasn't good at all. I've been to 9 different places and all but one was literally waste of time. I mean I read 10 books, almost 3500 pages in work.

Work description

Only thing that I've actually done was at my last department called Inspection. There I've recived a working dress and went to field with engeneer whose responsibility was to supervise reconstracting of two big tanks for oil. Other than that I did literally nothing.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

Salary suppose to be 200 JD per month, but paid weekly by 50 jd per week. That didn't happen so I received money 22 of july for june and then the rest when I was leaving. Sadly I received less but it was probably by this weird calculating which they did so I couldn't complain.

Language requirements

In company it was enough to speak lower intermediate english so I didn't have any problems.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Price for accommodation was very good, we paid jsut one night out of 7 in week. We were staying in hotel.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

Iaeste jordan members were very active and we were meeting them on regular basis almsot every day. They were trying to to organise events for all so over all it was very plesant experience.

Meeting other foreign students

We were all staying in same hotel se we were meeting all the time.

Sport and culture

We went to play some soccer few times and I thing some people went to some concert so I thing opportunities were there.

Food, local specialties

We tryed the national dish called Mansaf it was really good and were eating local stuff like falafel and shuarma(that thing what we call kebab in europe)

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

I was using to call my family by skype so it was fine.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Pick your company very carefully, try to pick private company if possible. Visit as many places as you can it is really worth your money and time.

What not to forget with you

Try to bring more decent clothes you will not be in europe.

Benefits of the internship

Knowing new people and culture. Visiting Jordan famous places. Very nice people of Jordan.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

It was completely fine, I can't complain.

Overall experience with IAESTE

Same as with Jordan Iaeste can't complain.

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