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Bc. Martin Krčma, Brno University of Technology, ročník 3

Faculty Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Field of study Industrial Design
Field of internship Computer and Information Sciences
Specialization of Internship- - - - - - - - - -
Internship period (from - to) 1.7.2015 - 30.9.2015
Internship duration (weeks) 13
Transport (means, price) Flight, 100 euro, 50 euro for the return trip
Insurance/Insurance company AXA ASSISTANCE
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) Visa
Price of Visa 500 Czk
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Netherlands, Delft
Internship reference number NL-2015-011

About the country

Location of the place

Delft is located just below the Den Haag, the city that houses most of Netherlands seats of power.


The city is quite small, only a few thousands of people. The historic centre where i lived is beautiful, riddled with old buildings and canals. In the city, TU Delft is located - one of the biggest technical schools in Europe. This makes the city much livelier than it otherwise would be.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Delft is located quite conveniently - about twenty minutes to both Den Haag and Rotterdam, both of which offer quite a lot to see. You can also go to the sea, but beware of Dutch weather - it is quite tricky. If you want to, all of this is easily reachable by bike.



Dynamic Ear Company - a small company launched by experienced engineer who found a empty spot in the market. They manufacture top notch ear protection, mainly for musicians. Other than that, they have a small collection of in-ear monitors which they plan on expanding.

Work description

Product designer, tasked with a development of a possible new product. Went through the entire design cycle, complete with contacting manufacturers and building a functional prototype.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

750 euro. Manageable but housing takes quite a toll on it.

Language requirements

I officially only took B2 level classes, but much higher level of English is required, in my opinion.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Lived at a student house with a attendees of TU Delft, in a room rented out by one of them. Accommodation was found by member of IAESTE Delft

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

Pick up was fine and went easily, and I received help with settling in. Unfortunately, due to the season, the events were pretty scarce, but started picking up near the end of my stay, when more active season began.

Meeting other foreign students

As far as foreigner go, I met my workmate for the most part, a student from Austria. I was accommodated with local students and a lot of my social life was tied to them.

Sport and culture

A lot of culture to see all around, with all the famous Dutch painters. I enjoy visiting art galleries and museum, and I got to do a lot of that. Some nice architecture to see as well. When the school year started, events in the city picked up as well - the jazz festival in Delft was quite enjoyable.

Biking provides a nice workout event if you don't participate in any sport actively.

Food, local specialties

I have greatly enjoyed the city market - fresh fried fish and harring was something I got regularly. And the fact that you can get fillet Americain in a supermarket - that great as well.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

Seamless internet access, decent mobile subscriptions, even short term ones.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Get a bike, don't buy one from a store, just find a student sale group on Facebook and put a good lock on it.

What not to forget with you

Dunno, I think you can get pretty much anything you need without trouble.

Benefits of the internship

I got to work on an actual project that is based in reality and has a possibility of being brought to market. Even if that is quite unlikely, the experience will give you a lot of insight.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Had a contact for a local member, could ask him any time I needed anything.

Overall experience with IAESTE

I wanted to try working in my field, and your provided me with the opportunity. That's the most important part.

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Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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