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Jakub Veselka, CTU Prague, ročník 6

Faculty Civil Engineering
Field of study Buildings and Environment
Field of internship Engineering, Other
Specialization of InternshipStructural Engineering
Internship period (from - to) 1.7.2015 - 21.8.2015
Internship duration (weeks) 7
Transport (means, price) Bus, 5-10CZK per one way
Insurance/Insurance company AXA Assistance (don't take it they are assholes)
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no
Price of Visa 0
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  China - Macau, Macau
Internship reference number MO-2015-CVE-06

About the country

Location of the place

Macau is just a city state. It has simillar status as Hong Kong which means they are independent to China (visa policy etc.) but they are still under China's influence.


Macau is divided into 2 main parts Macau (half island which is connected to China's borders) and island. It used to be 2 islands Taipa and Coloane but they connected them artificialy by middle part Cotai.
Whole Macau is really small you can explore it during weekend. But even though it is pretty interesting. You can see modern city as well as fishermen's villages. Also you can take a nice hike around the Coloane island which is great.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

You can cross borders to the Mainland China from there. You have 2 possiilities:
1) with visa - you need to apply for it from your home country (highly recomending to do so) or you can apply from the Macau (it takes 4 days to get it)
2) without visa - you can apply for a special permition at the university campus but it is a but limited... you can enter only to the nearest province (Guangjong), you have to be in group of at least 2 people etc. (it takes just few hours to get it)

Another great place which you can't miss is Hong Kong! Just hour and half by ferry and you can easily spend there at least 1-2 weekends full of fun. There is also IAESTE so you can connect to them.

You can have really cheap flight tickets (50EUR) to the Taiwan (MUST SEE!!!), Phillipines (haven't been there so I don't have personal experience), Thailand (another great place) and maybee somewhere else.



University of Macau

Work description

My field of work there was Fracture mechanics which is not exactly my field of study. I supposed to make models in ABAQUS about the prediction of the fractures in the pipes which they are used for transport oil from the sea oil platform to the land.
Sounds pretty interesting but in fast I was just watching Youtube videos and trying to catch some knowlege of the sftware. My main "succes" was freating one really simple model of the pipe. Nothing special but my supervisor was really satisfied because he knew pretty well that main point of this trainieeship was culture experience :)

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

More than in O-form. They paid 1600 MOP for each week (*3 in CZK).
It was enough for living without any problem.

Language requirements

Trainiees had really different language skill but if you are able to talk at least a bit you can't have any worries. At the university everybody is really kind. And English is not their native language either so no problem. Just maybe you will need a few days to get use to theit Chinese accent :)

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

The best thing - accomodation is for FREE ;-)

You will stay at the student dormitory house. All campus is new so there is really any problem with it. Just one thing - be careful they count the eletricity consuption so if you will use A/C all the time you will pay a lot in the end. We used A/C only when we were in the room and we paid around 100 MOP in the end. But someone from our group paid around 700 and it is pretty a lot so be careful.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

IAESTE is provided by employees of the University so it is not on the "frieds base" as in Europe. But everybody is really kind so no problem. We had group of 15 trainiees and 5-10 Chinese students who we met in our work places so in the end it was pretty simillar as in Europe.

Meeting other foreign students

We were there during summer holidays so almost whole campus was empty. Just Master students were there, doing some research. But another forighners came in the end of my trainieehip (more than 100 I guess).

Sport and culture

In one word - AMAZING!!!
In the campus is a great sport facility which is for students (...wait for it...) completely FOR FREE! You can play football, basketball, tennis, volleyball, badminton, squash as well as visit gym and pool (only exception it cost 5 MOP - 15 CZK to enter).
As I said before during summer whole campus is almost empty so you can just go to the sport facility nad play. Great! :)

Culture... Well this is a bit worse. Whole Macau is ONLY about casions. They call it the Las Vehas of China and it is perfectly true. If you like the gamble you can't choose better place where to go. But except this king of "fun" another possibilities are a bit poor.

Food, local specialties

Asian food is great! :) Just find some Chinese and convince him/her to show you some specialities.

Prepare yourself for a huge amount of rice! :D

One food in campus cost 30-60 MOP. In normal restaurant 50-150. Burger in Hard Rock Cafe is 180. And by the way in restanutant is mandatory to leave 10% tip.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

No problem. WiFi is everywhere in the campus (even EDUROAM).

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Don't hesitate. Just GO! ;)

What not to forget with you

Chinese visa (it is really bothering to apply for it from Macau :) ).

You don't need othing extra.

Benefits of the internship

The best cultural experience I can ever imagine.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Without any problem. They are professional and kind.

Overall experience with IAESTE

Just GREAT! ;)

Student's website

Blog from the whole Asia experience
It is in Czech but with the picture comments in English also ;)

Employer's webiste

Other useful links

Feel free to contact me if you want/need any further informations!
[email protected]

Other comments


Photo gallery

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Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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