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Bc. Dalibor Trapl, UCT Prague, ročník 4

Faculty Faculty of Biochemical and Food Technology
Field of study General and Appplied Biochemistry
Field of internship Physical Sciences, Other
Specialization of InternshipBiochemistry
Internship period (from - to) 1.9.2015 - 12.10.2015
Internship duration (weeks) 6
Transport (means, price) Bus, 2178 Czech koruna
Insurance/Insurance company Ergo
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no
Price of Visa 0
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Croatia, Zagreb
Internship reference number HR-2015-4102ZG

About the country

Location of the place

Zagreb is the capital city of Croatia. Zagre is situated on the north of Croatia. It takes about 3 hours to get to seaside from Zagreb.


Zagreb is big city with population about one million. On the north of Zagreb you can find Sljeme mountains. There are nice parks in the city. Maksimir is the biggest one.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Verry popular is going to seaside. You can visit a lot of cities there. Most famous are Pula, Rijeka, Zadar, Split, Makarska or Dubrovnik. The most famous place in Central Croatia is Plitvice lakes. Sometimes it's called Croatian paradise.



I worked at Biology Department (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science).

Work description

I used these methods for analyzing of human proteins: SDS-PAGE, western blotting, 2D electrophoresis, Electron microscopy (preparation of samples, microscopy work), preparation of plant protein extract (leaves, roots)

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

It was quite enough for accomodation and cheap food but not enough for traveling. Probablly you have to add your own money.

Language requirements

English was enough. I could also use adventage that Czech lenguage is quite simmilar to Croatian language.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

I paid 1000 kuna/month for Hostel Arena (provided by IAESTE Zagreb).

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

IAESTE memmber pick-up me in bus station and during my first week we had paperwork day. IAESTE memers were used to hang out in bar in invite us (trainees). Also there were too events: Zagreb GetTogether and Split GetTogether.

Meeting other foreign students

All interns stayed together on hostel.

Sport and culture

Zagreb is very nice place for running (Jarun lake, Bundek lake, near to Sava river, Maksimir,...), swimmig pool Mladost is quite cheap (15 kuna in the morning, 20 kuna in the afternoon), hiking on Sljeme is nice, tenis courts near accomodation,...

Food, local specialties

There are a lot of bakeries and fast food in the city. Quite populat is Čevapi. It's traditonal food from Bosna and Herzegovina.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

I had very bad internet connection in hostel (only weak wifi signal in the lobby of hostel)

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

If you are not going to stay in dorms, find accomodation by yourself. Travel! Croatia is very nice country.

What not to forget with you

You should bring great mood and if you have some extra money to spend.

Benefits of the internship

The best benefit is the meeting very nice people from whole world.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

IAESTE memmber pick-up me in bus station and during my first week we had paperwork day. There were too international events organized by IAESTE Croatia: Zagreb GetTogether, Split GetTogether

Overall experience with IAESTE

It was my first internship.

Student's website

Employer's webiste

Other useful links

Other comments

Enjoy it!

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Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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