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Michaela Tumova, ČVUT Praha,
ročník 4Informace o zemi
Lokalizace místa
Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia.
Hanoi is located in the northern part of Vietnam.Its the offical capital of the country, even though Ho Chi Minh city is the bussiness capital. Hanoi is quite nice with its beatiful lakes and Old quarter, but besides that the city is kind of dirty and filled with dusty air.
Okolí (možnosti výletů ...)
There are lot of options for trips around Hanoi. I usually went on two day trips over the weekend. I can recommend the mountains - Sapa - rice terraces, 6 hours bus drive from Hanoi, Tam Dao - 1 hour bus drive from Hanoi. Ninh Binh - rocks, caves, floating on the river, located 2 hours by bus from Hanoi. Cat ba island - 4 hours ride by bus and boat, there are beautiful beaches, lot of sports - kayaking, rocklimbing above the ocean..
Náplň práce
There were 3 groups - architecture, architecture and urban planning, urban planning. I got to work in each of them. My coworkers did pretty interesting projects, not only in Vietnam, but also in Japan and China. The problems was that their english was quite bad, most my coworkers didnt speak english at all, which was very hard to cooperate on projects. I did some researches for future projects, presentations, fasades design, building proposals.
Finanční ohodnocení (příjem, byl dostačující na místní poměry?)
4.000.000 VND. It was sufficient, especially since I didnt pay any rent. It covered my food and living expenses and also some of my travel expenses.
Požadované jazykové znalosti
Ubytování (cena, kým bylo zajištěno)
I didnt pay rent.The company provided accomodation. I was living with two roomates in one room, we had our own bathroom and we shared a kitchen with other flatmates in the house.
Společenský život
Setkání se členy IAESTE (vyzvednutí na letišti, připravený program ...)
The general manager of the company picked me up at the airport. The IAESTE member in Vietnam didnt really provide any cultural or social programme.. She said she was very busy at work, but on the other side, she was always ready to help with finding accomodation or transport, while I went on trips on my own or with other trainees. She quit at the beginning of August and the new IAESTE member seemed to take more action and organized trips.
Setkání s jinými zahraničními studenty
We met with the other foreign students almost every weekend, beacuse we travelled together. Most of the trainees worked at University at Thai Nguyen, which was 2 hours far by bus from Hanoi. There was only one trainee in Hanoi, so we would meet up during the week and went to dinner or went shopping together.
Sport a kultura
Because of the heat and dusty air running is possible at the evening in the park or very early in the morning. I played beach volleyball with expats living in Hanoi. There was lot of yoga studios, which I was going to try. 8 lessons cost about 60.000 VND.
Možnosti stravování, speciality místní kuchyně
Variety of fresh vegetables and fruits. The best way is to buy them in the market, but I had to go always with some vietnamese - when i went shopping alone, they would triple up the prices, even though they knew me.
Banh mi - baguette filled with vegetable and meat, Nem nuong - fresh spring rolls, that you make yourself, Pho bo - noodle soup with beef, Bun bo - different kind of noodle soup. Egg coffee is a specialty of Hanoi.
Banh mi - baguette filled with vegetable and meat, Nem nuong - fresh spring rolls, that you make yourself, Pho bo - noodle soup with beef, Bun bo - different kind of noodle soup. Egg coffee is a specialty of Hanoi.
Další informace
Možnost komunikace s ČR
via Skype. I heard there are very cheap tarifs for calling to Czech - about 6 CZK/ minute but I didnt really need it.
Doporučení pro další studenty, kteří pojedou na toto místo
Prepare for bad english with very strong vietnamese accent. Also older vietnamese speak pretty good french. Vietnamese people are really nice and they will try to help you and make you feel good as much as possible.
Co nezapomenout s sebou
Sunblock, shoes that survive monsoon rain, umbrella or rain coat, Medication - its impossible to buy european kind of medication in Hanoi.
Přínos praxe
I got to know really nice people, who showed me Vietnam the local way. I saw many places, they dont tell the tourists about, I was eating with their families and got to discover their world.
Spolupráce s IAESTE v dané zemi
IASTE member didnt really organize any trips, but she was always ready to help or give advice.
Zhodnocení zkušenosti s IAESTE
Great. They always helped me, whenever I needed it.
Web studenta
Web firmy
Další užitečné odkazy
meetup.com - find a group of your interests in Hanoi or anywhere else.
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