Internship Feedback

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Mukhiddin Yusupov, CTU Prague, ročník 2013/2014

Faculty Electrical Engineering
Field of study Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence
Field of internship Computer and Information Sciences
Specialization of InternshipArtificial Intelligence
Internship period (from - to) 1.7.2014 - 22.9.2014
Internship duration (weeks) 12
Transport (means, price) One way: Prevoz (car) - 30-40 Euro, Train 50 - 90 Euro
Insurance/Insurance company As a foreigner I had a basic health and travelling insurance
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) Foreigners studying in Prague need both. if they have residence permit then they don't need visa.
Price of Visa Do not know as I had residence permit, but can be found in their site.
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Slovenia, Ljubljana
Internship reference number SI-2014-1019LJ

About the country

Location of the place

The capital as well as most of the cities of Slovenia are located close to each other so that by local train one can travel from one end of the country to the other and through cities in about 3 hours. Another nice part of it is that one can travel in a relatively low cost to all surrounding countries: Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Italy.

Public transportation in Ljubljana: Since it is a small city it only has bus as public transportation. For students 3 months ticket costs 20 Euro. Most of the people rent a bicycle which is 3 euro per/year or 1 euro/week.


In one sentence it can be described as quiet, clean and safe. Most of the places are close by to each other. I think Ljubljana is one of the best places in Europe for students and it is an opinion I heard from many people. Students, in selected places (including restaurants), pay for the meals about 20-50% of their original price. Also they do not pay a lot for accommodation in dormitories, about 75-80 euro, and condition in dorms is we can describe as moderate or for some people as good.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

In the city one can easily find the basic places as bars, restaurants, markets, shopping malls, cinemas, museums ans so on. But the most interesting places are landscapes of the country. The most famous ones people usually visit are lakes Bled and Bohinj, waterfalls ( Vintgar ), caves (Postojna and Škocjan) and the coats on the Adriatic Sea. Also Slovenia is the good destination for hiking. People usually go to Triglav for hiking.



I had my practice in Josef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems. Josef Stefan Institute is a big research oriented institute and at least 1-2 interns can be found there from IAESTE. Institute has departments such as Physics, Mathematics, Biochemistry and many others. Is is located in a place of 10 minutes walk from student dormitory.

People working my team were nice. I was fortunate enough as I had good supervisor and working team. Everyone was helping and assisting me.

Work description

I worked in a team which is specialized on Ambient Intelligence. I had a small tasks to help them on the implementation of their project and had my own small project. Tasks were related to Machine Learning and Data Mining.

It is about 7-8 hours that one is supposed to work in every working day, but it is flexible so one could sometimes work less.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

I was paid 450 euro after all taxes. It was enough for me for almost all necessary expenses. For example this amount of payment was sufficient for eating, paying for dormitory, travelling every on week-ends, and shopping (both for food and basic clothes).

Language requirements

Most of the youth or almost all I met with speak pretty well in English. Some locals can speak in German and Italian, especially those who live close to borders. As Slovenian is in Slovak family of languages for Czechs or others who can speak in one of the languages in this family a lot of the words would be familiar to them, but I found it difficult enough to speak in Slovenian.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

One month price for a room with two beds in dormitory is 75-80 euro. It is, as I know, difficult to get a single room for short term (3-5 months) of time. Also taking a room from the dormitory could not be done during the study period (starting from October), since places would be reserved by students and usually there would not be free ones. My friends staying during the Autumn had to move to a flat. Renting a room in a flat or house casts in average 150-200 euro/person.

Bathroom and kitchen in dormitory are shared. In the kitchen there is only electric oven. Everything else, if you prepare something, you need to buy yourself.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

IAESTE member met me on arriving and helped with everything. So I did not have any organizational and other problems.

Meeting other foreign students

Almost all international students/inters are accommodated in the same building of dormitory, so at any time you can reach your international friend :). Every week there were meeting in a pub and some events like trips around the city/country during the week-ends.

Sport and culture

There is gym and area to play football, volleyball and basketball in dormitory.
Cinemas, theaters, pubs and restaurants are all close and next to the dorm.

Food, local specialties

Other than local Slovenian one can find foods of many nations in the city such as national foods of Balkan countries, Turkish Kebabs, Mexican, Italian, Chinese and many others, and what is nice is that you will have student discount for them.

With student discount you can eat turkish kebab (full menu: soup, kebab, juice and some sweet) for 0.90 euro, mexican food is about 2 euro. So usually you would not pay more than 2.5 euro.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

Yes, it is, of course, possible. We had event in Prague for IAESTE interns from other IAESTE member countries.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

I could only recommend to take advantage everything you will have as a student intern and spend more time traveling around country and landscapes, especially when the weather is fine that was not the case when we were there, we had a lot of raining.

What not to forget with you

Special clothes if you like hiking and also some warm clothes.
Umbrella, there could be a lot of raining which is not usual but was the case when we were there.

Benefits of the internship

If you are in a good team of workers you will definitely learn something new. It also depends on you. You should communicate a lot with others.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

One can reach without any problems all members and LC of IAESTE.

Overall experience with IAESTE

Overall I can say that I had a great time in Ljubljana. I met a lot of nice people, saw wonderful landscapes and places and got unforgettable experience.

Student's website


Employer's webiste


Other useful links

Link to web site of institute and departments where I worked:

Other comments


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Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
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Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
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