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Suida Vokopola, ČVUT Praha, ročník 6

Fakulta Fel
Specializace studia Computer Science
Obor praxe Počítačová a informační věda
Specializace praxe- - - - - - - - - -
Doba praxe (od - do) 04.7.2005-31.08.2005
Délka praxe (týdnů) 8
Doprava (druh, cena) Train/3600 kc
Pojištění Generali Pojistovna/960 kc
Nutnost víza /
prac. povolení
Cena víza None
Město praxe Zobrazit místo na mapě  Německo, Ilmenau
Číslo praxe D/05/1292/6

Informace o zemi

Lokalizace místa

Ilmenau is situated approx. 40 km southerly of regional capital Erfurt, approx. 80 km to the north of the region around Coburg and approx. 50 km to the southwest of Weimar.It is the part of Germany which is called Thuringen


The Goethe and university town, has a reputation for his attractive scenically location on the northern edge of Thuringian Forest in the beautiful valley of creek Ilm.It has around 25 000 inhabitants

Okolí (možnosti výletů ...)

Many tourists come to the town every year, which is because of its location a popular starting-point for walks and trips to the "Rennsteig", and the cultural cities Erfurt and Weimar are within easy reach. The visitor of the town can follow the tracks of Goethe and enjoy the nature on the "Goethewanderweg".



Deprtment of Computer Science in Technical University of Ilmenau

Náplň práce

Working on distributed multimedia streaming to develop a middleware platform for streaming media, called Media Stream Broker and practical solutions to smaller problems in Linux environment using C++

Finanční ohodnocení (příjem, byl dostačující na místní poměry?)

615 Euros ,the salary was enough to live and to travel

Požadované jazykové znalosti


Ubytování (cena, kým bylo zajištěno)

The price of my dormitary was 140 euros ,there were also cheaper rooms ,but the prices are varying 90-140 euros.The dormitary was provided by IAESTE commettee

Společenský život

Setkání se členy IAESTE (vyzvednutí na letišti, připravený program ...)

IAESTE members are waiting for the sudents in train station when they are arriving and accompanying them in dormitory and work.There are organizing also different trips and also a weekly meeting with students.

Setkání s jinými zahraničními studenty

There were a lot of students coming from different countrys for practical training

Sport a kultura

In the campus there were a gym and a volleyball,foottball and basketball fields ,and also there was a swimming pool in the city,so there were possibilites to do any kind of sport

Možnosti stravování, speciality místní kuchyně

Menza was also in the campus ,the food was good ,very simmilar to czech cuisine

Další informace

Možnost komunikace s ČR

All the possibilities

Doporučení pro další studenty, kteří pojedou na toto místo

It is a really nice place and nice people.I advice to everybody to try ,it is worthy

Co nezapomenout s sebou

Money ,camera, and whatever you need :) aaaa in summer time also warm clothes because it wasnt that worm also a raining coat ,it always rains there.

Přínos praxe

It was really good ,i had to work in a team,in a real project .The task that i had to compute, it was not simple but the teachers are helping and providing with the neccesary material.

Spolupráce s IAESTE v dané zemi

IAESTE Commettee in Ilmenau was trying all their best to help the students ,even though there were few members working there.

Zhodnocení zkušenosti s IAESTE

I think IAESTE is a great organization and also is great oportunity for all the students to get acquaintance with the work enviroment and the country culture

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Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
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Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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