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Štěpánka Lanková, UCT Prague, ročník 2.5

Faculty Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Field of study Biochemistry and Microbiology
Field of internship Chemistry, Material Science, and Chemical Engineering
Specialization of InternshipInorganic Chemistry
Internship period (from - to) 01/06/2024 - 31/07/2024
Internship duration (weeks) 8
Transport (means, price) train (1500 CZK), car (free)
Insurance/Insurance company AXA
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no
Price of Visa -
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Germany, Kiel
Internship reference number DE/2024-1051-1

About the country

Location of the place

Kiel is the capital of Schleswig-Holstein, and in Czech-related scale a middle sized city. It is located by the fjord which makes its location very extraordinary in Germany. It came off as as calm and very relaxed place.


The city of Kiel was thoughrout history mostly known for being a strategical point in marine force of Germany because of the short distance to Scandinavia and easy access to Baltic sea. Therefore, one can find here many intresting museums and sights related to marine technology by the coast and Kiellinie. However, even walking on Kielllinie and enjoyng the sea-views by itself with a drink is enjoyable as well. When there is a nice weather, I would recommend visiting some of the beaches around the city - Schilksee, Laboe or Falckenstein beach, a short stroll around many of the parks nearby the citycenter or a visit to very lovely botanical garden. When not so nice weather, there is a possibility to visit GEOMAR aquarium or enjoy one of the local pubs.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Personally, I loved visiting cities in northern Germany for their unique "vibe" and architectural style. A few of those would be Lübeck, Flensburg, Schwerin or Hamburg. But if you have a weekend to spare I would also recommend a round trip to Berlin to experience more vibrant culture. For nature lovers, the beaches mentioned are also an option, but Schleswig-Holstein has many lakes and coastsides to wander around.



Jun.-Prof. Dr. Huayna Terraschke is a head of a working group at Institute of Inorganic chemistry at CAU Kiel. She was very kind from the beginning of the internship, introduced me to the whole working group and really made me feel welcomed. Working for her was pleasurable experience, since she was able to motivate and inspire you like any other person in the world. Every one from her smaller-sized work group was also very nice and helpful when needed. I genuienely enjoyed my time here thanks to them.

Work description

My work was focused on the computational molecular modeling of inorganic systems, which gave me an opportunity to learn to work with new software and the chemistry field. I was allowed to work from home, therefore I was not every day at the university and was able to manage my days in my own way. There were weekly workgroup meetings as well as weekly meetings with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Huayna Terraschke herself. Moreover, me and my consultant mostly communicated on-line, since the character of the job didn't require an in-person meeting every day.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

I got a monthly 934 euros and after deduction of accommodation around 500 euro for the rest of my needs. I reckon that it is a sufficient amount to live a comfortable lifestyle, however, it is not enough for frequent bar-hopping or eating at restaurants everyday.

Language requirements

Yes, English was completely sufficient almost everyone speaks at a basic level even people outside work.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

The accommodation was arranged by the local IAESTE committee, the cost was around 450 euro per month. I had a room with bathroom to myself and common kitchen at the floor. When I arrived I had to clean the place myself, but kitchen was cleaned during the workdays at least once a day. The accommodation was far from the city center at the edge of town but at a calm location and with a nearby supermarket. I stayed here with other interns.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

IAESTE member picked me up at the train station, went with me to the accommodation, showed me around and did my first grocery shopping in Kiel with me. Not many events were organized by the committee though. I met them in the second week for lunch, then two of them went out with me during Kieler Woche and lastly, there was one event by the end of my internship where we could have tried SUP on the sea and afterward had a gathering at the Kiellinie. I organized my trips myself or once went with people from ESN Kiel. In the middle of July I also met two other interns that arrived on 1st of July (no other intern was there in June) at the dorms and we planned one trip together.

Meeting other foreign students

I was provided a link to ESN Kiel group, where they organized trips, so that was a way for me to meet other international students. One could also small talk with other people at the dorms which were mostly students.

Sport and culture

It is a great city for running since it is mostly flat and I also enjoy going to the gym, so I joined one near university for the two months.

Food, local specialties

Since I am from Czechia and have been to Germany before, the food wasn't that surprising to me at all. But I have tried their pastries, which I have never seen before and they were really good!

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

I used all social media, that is nothing uncommon here.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Bring umbrella or any type or rain protection. Even in peak summer, the temperatures are mostly 25°C and it is windy and rains a lot.

What not to forget with you


Benefits of the internship

Calm location, if you do not like high temperatures and hot weather as me it is ideal for summer. The city has a lot of parks and other nice spots to just enjoy the realxing atmosphere.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

They communicated very well and answered every question I had. I am aware that most of them devoted most of their time to their university studies or work and I was the only intern there during June, however I felt like they were quite inactive with organization of events and get-togethers even after the arrival of other interns in July.

Overall experience with IAESTE

I would definitely recommend to experience any type of internship with IAESTE, I reckon that IASTE had helped me with the organization and arrangements. But also count on the possibility, that there will be no other interns in the city and you will have to be more or less your own guide. From what I've heard though from friends that also did internships around the world, their experience was nothing like mine and they enjoyed every aspect of it, mainly the time with other interns and the IAESTE local committee.

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Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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