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Bc. Radek Stanik, UCT Prague, ročník 1

Faculty Faculty of Chemical Technology
Field of study Drug synthesis
Field of internship Chemistry, Material Science, and Chemical Engineering
Specialization of InternshipOrganic Chemistry
Internship period (from - to) 20-JUN-2022 - 31-JUL-2022
Internship duration (weeks) 6
Transport (means, price) bus, 400 CZk
Insurance/Insurance company UNIQA
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no
Price of Visa -
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Poland, Łódź
Internship reference number PL/2022-PLO006

About the country

Location of the place

If you are approaching close to the city. You can see old factories, parks and many different buildings. I would say that Łódź looks small but it is kind of big.


As I said earlier the name of the city is Łódź. It is quite old city which was in the past industrial and multicultural. But in these days the city is still multicultural but on the other hand they are trying to renovate the old factories to some shopping centers, flats, concert halls it is quite impressing to see photos of old factory and then the same building in the renovated style. Most of the Polish people says that city is made for parties and I would say that it is true. So you can do many things in Łódź party, eat, travel, relax. We can meet there different kind of people.
For me it was like living in a big village where are people that are nice and friendly, but there was one problem that most of them are not able speak English. That means sometimes it was difficult to understand each other.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

I spend most of my internship in the Łódź where I visited old churches for example Sobór św. Aleksandra Newskiego which is very nice church with rusian style of architecture. There are here nice old cemeteries - for example Jewish Cemetery. You can find here the longest street in Europe and it is Piotrkowska Street. On this street are many shops with food, clothes and different kind of goods. Well I would say mostly different cuisine and alcohol. You have to go there.
Well truth is that I visited Warsaw, which is capital city of Poland. You can easily go by train or bus. I totally recommend to see it because the city is new and you can find only small part of old city which survived the WWII. I would say that I liked the old town more than the new part.



Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Heteroorganic Chemistry.

Work description

I was working in the lab of organic chemistry. The field of the research was synthesis of new hetero-organic compounds. Lab was quite new with different scientific equipment. For example flash chromatography, thin layer chromatography or NMR spectroscopy. As my task was based of synthesis of new chemical entities with selenium in the structure. I learned how to use selenium and derivatives of this methal by view of organic chemist. It means possibilities of usage and safety of chemist.
On the other hand I met many people who showed big fervor to share their knowledge with me about the topic. It was great team.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

For one month I get about 900 PL. I would say it was sufficient for local conditions.

Language requirements

My level of English was enough for my use. My employees talked in English and my colleagues too. On the other hand they were together talking Polish but on the end you are able to understand their conversation. In the restaurant normally they were able to speak in English but in smaller shops, in the streets or in the public transportation it was not that usual.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

I did not pay for my accommodation by myself because it was arranged by employer and payed as well.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

It was great IAESTE members picked me up at bus station and led me to my accommodation.There were many events organised by local IAESTE members.

Meeting other foreign students

I could meet many foreign students at my accommodation and close to it. It was great to meet them and talked to them.

Sport and culture


Food, local specialties

As I said earlier food is great thing. You can find many kinds of restaurants with different dishes. Thai, Indian, typical Polish cuisine and many other. I tasted typical Polish food the name of it is pierogi. It is something like dumplings filled with meat, vegetables or with cheese. It was very tasty. Or polish donuts - sweet and very tasty for someone who likes sweets.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

Well in my case I did not need to comunicate with Czech Republic. But I would use FB, Whatsapp or e-mail.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

I am not sure what to tell but I think main thing is to enjoy the stay there.

What not to forget with you

Almost everything was arranged. It comes to my mind that maybe some equipment in the kitchen like cup, pan, pot... If you want to prepare food for you by you.

Benefits of the internship

As I said previously it was great to meet new people - colleagues , to learn new things.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

It was smooth and people were and are really nice.

Overall experience with IAESTE

I think it is great organisation which can help you discover different countries and It can arrange interesting internships for you.

Student's website


Employer's webiste

Other useful links


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