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Bc. Valerie Wernerová, Brno University of Technology, ročník 4

Faculty Civil engineering
Field of study Architecture
Field of internship Architecture
Specialization of InternshipArchitecture
Internship period (from - to) 04-Jul-2022 to 28-Aug-2022
Internship duration (weeks) 8
Transport (means, price) airplane, 900 EUR
Insurance/Insurance company Axa
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) yes
Price of Visa 125 USD
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Nepal, Katmahandu
Internship reference number NP/2022-81

About the country

Location of the place

Katmahandu is the capital of the Nepal. It's surprisingly big city, little bit crowded, full of building without a visible order or urban planning. It's located in the Katmahandu valley where are multiple cities connected together.
It's good to be prepared for not so clean enviroment, polluted air around big roads and lot of dogs and people everywhere.


Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur are the cities in Katmahandu valley. Each of them has it's own historical centre which are trully beautifull and with different characters. Around them is fastly growing nepali city with all its noises, people, crowds, traffic, colours and smells.
I liked the most Baktapur city centre where we went multiple times. It's cleander, calmer and more authentic then other parts.
We visited many places in the city. We were in Garden of dreams, Monkey temple, all the Durbar squeres or next to them (main squeres), Bouthanath stupa,... it's nice to buy some things at Thamel (turistic district) and Asan bazar (more for nepali people).
City seems to me like a quite safe place, people are friendly but the mind their own way (if they don't want to sell you something in the shop :D).

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

In addition to all the places in Katmahandu valley, we visited Nagarkot to do one day trip there. it's small village/town on the hill near the Katmahandu.
Second a little bit longer trip was in to the Pokhara city. Nice town next to the big mountain plake. It's good place for 2-3 days. We went ther 2 times, secont time to start a short trek from there. Unfortunately becouse a bed weather we cancled your trek to Poonhill (beautifull trek in the summer) and went to Bandipur town.
Bandipur is a villige in the midway between Katmahandu and Pokhara. It's calm, full of nature, nice place to stay 1-2 days.
I regret one thing, I would prefer next time visit Nepal in the summer or autumn which are more suitable for trekking and nature is blooming. Summer is more rainy and muddy and in the forest you can find leaches which are not dangerous but really..I don't like them.



I worked in the small-middle sized architectural company named Design station.
Me and two other interns worked with approxmately 15 architects and nepaly students (nepaly interns) on different projects.
Enviroment and the work is simmilar to the europeen one. Only difference is tahat they work 6 days a week so I would recommend to arrive or leave the country earlier or later to have time to do some bigger trips/treks.

Work description

The boss asked me in the biggining waht I would like to do. I did some interiors of residential buildings and some restaurant. We got also one bigger interesting project of treatement centre near Pokhara which should look traditional...traditional nepaly Pokhara architecture. It was a chellenge but I was happy in the end with the resultat.
We worked in Sketchup, Autocad, Lumion and they use also V-ray.
It corresponded to the description we've got before the internship.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

The salary wasn't big but for the Nepal it was decent. Salary should be also little bit higher next year after the inflation in Nepal. But it wasn't enought for foreign people which are not used to the local food standards and environement so it's good to have your reserves. Still...everything is cheaper there.

Language requirements

Language is not a problem in Nepal. At university most of the nepali students study in english. In restaurants menu is allways in english. All the forms and other things are in english. Lot of signs is in english too.
We hadn't any problem with communication in Nepal.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

We lived in a flat belonging to one member of local IASTE. Thanks to that I was in contact with orhers internationals students living there. The price of the accomodation was 9000 nepaly ruppies. Each of us had it's own room. We shered bathroom with toilet, kitchen and living room.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

After my arrival IASTE nepal picked us at the airport and drive us to our accomodation.
During my stay there wern't any events organised by IASTE. We were in contact only with a guy in whom house we were living. In the end we met local committee and they expleined the organisation is still reccovering after covid. Some others interns were participing on one day treks and other events before and after our internship.

Meeting other foreign students

I were in contact with every foreign IASTE intern in Katmahandu thanks to the shared flat. I arrived with two czech friwnds. We met few Germans, one Tunisian and one Swiss. We were going out togeather a lot.

Sport and culture

I didn't do any sport during my stay. In regarding to the culture, I visited a cinema once. The crowd was chearing a lot. We saw some smaller festivals (festival season started after our departure) and it was amazing experience.

Food, local specialties

Food was was possible to ask them if it could be litlle bit less and sometimes it worked.
Almost every food has vegetarian option. The eat lot of vegetable and it's really cheap. You can buy a local vegetable almost everywhere.
Typical foods are momo, thukpa, fried rice, kari, naan and lot of other types of "flat cakes", chowmei, biriany, chicken burgers, tandory things and lot more.
Drinks like coke, sprite, fanta nad others are also really cheap. The milk tea is even more, I love milk tea. :) Also "slice" is interesting drink, it's from India and it's really good mango juice.

It's good to ask locals where is good place to eat, it's not good to eat on dirty places or place where is few peoples.
We loved one restaurant which was kind of hidden gem, it was really cheap and sooo good. It's called "Western Tandoori & Naan House" on the streat Amrit Margin in Káthmándú. I recommend also "Rail Station Cafe & Restaurant" Park Lane, Pátan. It was a good restaurant near our workplace.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

I was using mainly Messenger and WhatsUp. You can buy a simcard on the airport without problem and you will have enought data for the whole trip.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Be prepared to the different culture and environement then europeen one, it's more simple and little bit more demanding. Do some research before.
You cannot drink normal water from the tap. The toilets are sometimes a bit different. You will have a lot of physical contact in public transportation (normal, nothing scary). And garbage management in Katmahandu is miserable.
And the most importatnt...take some time to visit the nature, it's the most beautifull thing in Nepal!

What not to forget with you

umbrella if you are going during summer,
some medication mostly for the stomac issues (you will get some),
magnesium if you need it, we were swating a lot,
good shoes which could be washed,
rain and wind proof jacket for the treking

Benefits of the internship

I appreciate my home country more. Don't take everything we have as granted.
I saw different view at the life, more simple, different, more easy and more difficult. It was interesting experience.
In the work I learned some new skills, tried to do different architecture.

And I have lot of new skarfs at home. :)

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Communication could be better, we were communication only with the guy where we were living. Thanks to him and our research we found out almost everything we needed. But it must be hard for him to organise everything in one person so I hope the IASTE Nepal will involve more people.

Overall experience with IAESTE


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Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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