Internship Feedback

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David Petr, UCT Prague, ročník 3

Faculty Faculty of Chemistry
Field of study Chemistry, Material Science
Field of internship Engineering, Other
Specialization of InternshipBiochemical Engineering
Internship period (from - to) 18-07-2021 to 28-08-2021
Internship duration (weeks) -
Transport (means, price) -
Insurance/Insurance company UNIQA pojišťovna a.s
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) -
Price of Visa -
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Poland, Gdansk
Internship reference number PL-2021-PGD003

About the country

Location of the place




Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Gdansk is located by the see. There are many possible trips and outdoor activities to do. Gdansk is part of Tricity(Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia) which is connected via coastal road perfect for cycling and running by the sea. Beaches are sandy and clean which is perfect for sports and sunbathing and swimming
Old industrial part of Gdansk is becoming popular venue for concerts, art and bars.
Outside of Gdansk you can visit popular lakes in Kaszubie region.



Gdansk university of technology

Work description

I was helping with laboratory work - collecting water samples, analysing, processing data.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

2800 pln brutto(around 2200 netto). Sufficient for simple living not for eating out and travelling.

Language requirements

English was spoken fluently at the university. Outside uni it was tricky - people older than 40 generally didn't speak english.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Student dormitory provided by the university. It was 700 pln for interns. Rooms for two but I had the room just for myself.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

They picked me up from the station and helped me arranging everything from acommodation and work related stuff. Students organised few parties where I could meet with other people.

Meeting other foreign students

I met three foreign students at the dormitory. Not that many students were in Gdansk during the summer but I was told they are expecting a lot of them during regular semester period(Erasmus etc.)

Sport and culture

There are outdoor gyms, sports fields at the beach, yacht and windsurfing clubs etc. Sport possibilities are vast.
I think culture was still afected by covid during te summer but there were few concerts in former industrial area(100cznia).

Food, local specialties

I recommend trying pirogi(stuffed "dumplings") - typical meal for eastern Europe.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

You can of course send a postcard to your granny.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

The best way of transport around Gdansk is a bicycle. Bring or buy a bike if you can.
Revolut bank account is the cheapest for money transfer and change of currencies. I was paid in euros but polish currency is polish zloty.

What not to forget with you

Weather is quite moderate without extremes. But be prepared for rain - good rain jacket is advantageous.

Benefits of the internship

Work experience, meeting new people.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Pleasant. Everyone was very helpful.

Overall experience with IAESTE


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