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Lenka Vatrsková, UCT Prague, ročník 5

Faculty Faculty of Environmental Technology
Field of study Water technology
Field of internship Chemistry, Material Science, and Chemical Engineering
Specialization of InternshipAny
Internship period (from - to) 21.10.2019 - 01.12.2019
Internship duration (weeks) 6
Transport (means, price) plane: Vienna - Bergen 69 €; Bergen - Krakow 69 €, 7 days Bergen public transportation 15 €
Insurance/Insurance company INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE, S. A. (AXA)
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no
Price of Visa -
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Norway, Bergen
Internship reference number NO-2019-000015

About the country

Location of the place

I have worked in University of Bergen at Chemistry Department. It was located near city center.


Bergen is a beautiful city because it is a gateway to fjords. The combination of sea and mountains is spectacular. It is sourounded by seven mountains. It has its advantages like beautiful nature and a lot of possibilities for hikig but also disadvatages like darkness most of the day during the winter. The sunrise was after 9 o´clock and sunset before 16 o´clock. The city center is not very big even thought there is a lot to explore in narrow alleys.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

I spent my weekend hiking. Bergen is surrounded by seven mountains so I did not have a problem to find something new to do every weekend. But it is a great city if someone wants to explore the fjords or take a beautiful train ride alongside waterfalls and nice scenery.



University of Bergen is one of the eight universities in Norway. Its main focus is research. I worked in Chemistry Department focusing on biomass and renewable resources. The group I got to work with was composed of only Norwegians but they spoke English with with me and whenever I was in a room. Every Thursday there were lunch seminars that were in English because there was more international students and employees.

Work description

I worked 8 hours a day. The research group I worked with was only few people since it was due for master thesis of master students. Most of the time there was only three of us in a laboratory. My main tasks were to prepare samples for NMR analysis and GC-MS analysis. The samples were from biomass. I enjoyed it because the co-workers were really friendly, kind and helpful.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

I have not received my salary yet. I am supposed to get 1800 NOK per month but I expect 34 % tax deduction which will be returned to me in summer. Be prepared to have a lot of money when going to Norway. The digits in prices are the same as in Czechia but the currency is almost three times higher, for example apples costs 20 NOK, bread costs 30 NOK.

Language requirements

Everyone speaks perfect English.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

I paid 5 500 NOK/month. It was arranged by IAESTE. I shared the apartment with one boy but I had my own room and my roomate was out of country for 2 weeks and he had a job so we did not meet often. The apartment was really nice, spacious, clean and modern. The kitchen was fully equipped. The living room had a spectacular view of a fjord. My land-lady was helpful and she provided a bed sheets for me because I did not bring my own. I walked to work and to city center, it took my around 30 minutes, so I did not have to buy a travel ticket because the location was great. It was near to a shopping center but it was a quiet location.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

Before my arrival I was informed that they have buddy program so before my arrival they assigned me a friend Unni (IAESTE member) who would help me through my stay. She picked me up at the airport, took me to my apartment and explained me all the practical things I needed for my stay, she recommended useful mobile applications (for public transport and for cheaper groceries) and showed me a way to the university. She also helped me with tax office (I did not need D-number, because I already had one).
IAESTE members tried to organize an event per week - we played billiard, watched christmas movie, baked ginger bread houses and had traditional norway christmas dinner. They also joined us on a hike on weekends.

Meeting other foreign students

I was in Norway during off-season (October-November) so except me there was only two more international students (one of them left after my second week there). We met on social gathering organized by IAESTE and during weekends we went hiking and exploring city.

Sport and culture

I experienced festival of lights. Its purpose is to welcome Christmas season and to start Christmas markets. It was a beautiful experience. The fireworks were really impresive.

Food, local specialties

I have tried salmon on a diner wirh my co-workers and I am fond of norwegian brown cheese. The department has waffle fridays during which someone cooked waffles for everyone.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

I was able to reach everyone. Wifi connection was at university as well as in the apartment.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

It was useful experience, I have got to try a lot of different things in laboratory and my co-workers were patient with me.

What not to forget with you

Bergen is a city where most of the time rains. Luckily, it did not rain often during my internship. However, the waterproof and windproof clothes are a must. And the land-lady expected me to have bedsheets with me that I did not have so she gave them to me.

Benefits of the internship

I have broaden my horizon with different expertise and I have got to use new methods. Norway is a modern ecological and developed country and I am glad I have got the opportunity to experience it. My supervisor is well-known and respected in her field and I am grateful for being able to learn from her and to see how she is able to organize and manage all the projects.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

I could contact my buddy anytime I needed. My application happened sort of last minutes and IAESTE memebers (from both countries) showed excellent organizational skills and goodwill. They answered my every questions super fast. I am impressed and satisfied with their help. Thank you.

Overall experience with IAESTE

I definitely recommend an internship with IAESTE. This was my second one and I do not regret anything.

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