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Ing. Jana Šulková, Brno University of Technology, ročník 5

Faculty Mechanical engineering
Field of study Quality
Field of internship Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Specialization of InternshipAny
Internship period (from - to) 18.9.2019 - 10.12.2019
Internship duration (weeks) 12
Transport (means, price) plane 750e
Insurance/Insurance company UNION
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) yes
Price of Visa 50e
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
Internship reference number MN-2019-009EXS-1

About the country

Location of the place

Mongolia is landlocked country located between China and Russia. It is a vast emptiness that links land and sky, and is one of the last few places on the planet where nomadic life is still a living tradition.
Basic info:
Capital Ulaanbaatar
Government Parliamentary Democracy
Currency Togrog/Tugrik (MNT)
Area total: 1,565,000km²
water: 9,600km²
land: 1,555,400km²
Population 3,000,000
Language Khalkha Mongol 90%, Turkic, Russian (1999)
Religion Tibetan Buddhist (Vajrayana) 97.5%, Muslim (primarily in the southwest), Shamanism, and Christian 1.5% (2010)
Country code +976
Time Zone UTC +7 to +8


UB is modern city in the centre, but filled with ger districts on the surroundings - full of contrasts. Its largest city of the country and also political, comercial, industrial and cultural hub. Compared to UB are other cities looking more like a village. The city is officially divided into 9 districts with 7 of them located within or around the city area.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

There are few museums in the city - historical, intelectual, dinosaur. Also many galleries and budhist temples. Quarter Zaisan - in the south is almost in the mountains and a nice starting point for a hike to a Bogd Khan mountains. Closest national park is Terejl, it is reachable by bus.



I was working for mongolian professor who was studying in CZECH before. She was nice but very busy, so it was sometimes hard to reach her.
Work for university was interesting but a bit unplanned. In technical industries in Europe is everything completely planned, but here I had a feeling that they dont really know what outcome they exactly want from me.

Work description

I got to do research about PLC LOGO! Siemens. It was completely new type of PLC, which is not used at university. I programmed few programmes, which I was suppose to try but didnt manage to. I had programmes ready, but since professor wanted to be present we had to postpone it till the time I was almost leaving.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

It was sufficient for living there.

Language requirements

English and Czech

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Acco was provided by uni and I didnt get to know the price.
It was dormitory with almost no equipment (only bed, table, and small bathroom), where I was only one speaking english.
It would be okey for anyone who would be at home country, but having no equipment, no kitchen for international student was a very bad idea. Professor helped me with few kitchen stuff and fridge but normal kitchen would be way better.
Also, there was no hot water till beggining of October and also later it was only occationally - quite a bad joke when temperature outside is -30 and someone is sick. I knew it would be a bit adveterous but this was a bit too much when I was living there for few months.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

I was picked up from the airport by teacher from university.
There were no organised events by IAESTE - I have only met iaeste representative and he also helped me when I needed, but he was always very busy.

Meeting other foreign students


Sport and culture

I was going to yoga lessons in local temple i found on my own. I wanted to go to swimming pool, but at school told me it will be quite hard cause you need doctor´s consent. Later I found out there was swimming pool very closely where you didnt need it.
You really had to learn to be independent there and find out most of the info on your own.

Food, local specialties

There is a local pub Tse, with a very cheap food. But the most of the local food is too fatty and our european stomachs are not used to it. But in better restaurants it can be less fatty and also more tasty.
There are also restaurants with international cuisine (Korean, Japanese, French...) and also vegetarian food is not that hard to find.
Cafeteria at school is only in mongolian language, so I almost didnt go there. I dont really get why menu is not translated to english.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

didnt try.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

Its beautiful country full of contrast and very cold during winter.
Time in Mongolia flows diferently - they have the worst time management I have ever seen - and I am not really punctual. But you have to get used to it, if you stress and hurry it will not change anything, just accept it.

What not to forget with you

Pills for stomach - to be able to eat local food.
Presents from home - candy..

Benefits of the internship

Multiculturalism, hand on technical experience, new friends and beautiful country.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country


Overall experience with IAESTE


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