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Vratislav Borský, CTU Prague, ročník 3

Faculty Civil Engineering
Field of study Economics and Management
Field of internship Civil Engineering, Geology and Mining
Specialization of InternshipAny
Internship period (from - to) 1.7.2019 - 9.8.2019
Internship duration (weeks) 6
Transport (means, price) Emirates - from Prague to Hong Kong (15 600 Kč)
Insurance/Insurance company Moneta Money Bank
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) No
Price of Visa Free
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  China - Macau, Macau
Internship reference number MO-2019-CEE-06

About the country

Location of the place

Macau is just a small city state, which has around 700 000 residents. It has special status similiar as Hong Kong, which means, that they are a little bit independent to China, but they are still under China's influence. Macau is former Portuguese colony, so you can find there easily Portuguese influnce and people.


Macau is city state and it has the highest population density in the whole world, so you can find the skyscrapers on every step. The most important for Macau are the casinos, the city is full of casinos and rich people from all over the world are commimng to Macau to spend their money there. The city is not so big, but very interesting and you can find there many amazing places.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

The location of Macau is really the best, you can have so many amazing trips from this place.
1) Hong Kong - just take 1 hour ferry or bus throught the longest bridge on the world and you can visit Hong Kong, there is so many amazing things, that you need at least 3 weekends to see everything.
2) Zhuhai - this city in really close to Macau, but you need to cross the boarders to China and it means, that you need a visa, but it is really worth it.
3) Guilin - also part of China - but the nature there is amazing and you really must see this place!
4)There are also cheap flight tickets from Macau to Taiwan, Phillipines and Thailand or Vietnam, so its the best option to visit this countries



University of Macau - Department of Civil Engineering

Work description

I was working for the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Macau, the internship included physical and numerical experiments related to geotechnical applications at Macao. The main purpose of my work was to help with the research to postgraduate student Wang Yuanhang, who was very kind and friendly to me, so it was a pleasure for me to cooperate with him.
We were together working on research of Marine clay, it is special material, which occurs at the sea bottom around Macau, so it is very important material, which can be in the future used for civil engineering.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

We got a little bit more, than it was written in the O-form. The salary is sufficient, because you have accomodation for free, so you have to pay with your salary only food, drinks and trips, however you have to be carefull, because everything there is quite expensive.

Language requirements

Trainiees had really different language skills, but the most important is, that you are able to talk with others. At the university everybody is really kind, and English is not their native language either so no problem, sometimes it is much harder for them to speak in English than for you :D

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Accomodation is in the student dormitory at the campus of University of Macau and it is for FREE!!!

Just one thing - be careful they count the eletricity and water consuption, so if you will use Air Condition all the time you will have to pay a lot in the end of internship. We used A/C only when we were in the room and we paid around 100 MOP in the end. But someone from our group paid around 700 MOP and it is pretty a lot so be careful!

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

In Macau is only one member of IAESTE and he is the employer of the university, but he is really cool guy and he can help you with everything, so dont worry. There is no pick-up at the airport, but its not so hard to find the university.

Meeting other foreign students

We were there in the group of around 20 trainees, mostly from Europe and we were making trips and activities together.

Sport and culture

At the university, you can use everything for free, so you can go to gym, play badminton or basketball, howver the weather there is so humid and hot, that you do not have much energy for that :D .

Food, local specialties

The food in Macau is really traditional, but it is not the Chineese food on which we are used to from Europe, they love rice and noodles, so you need to get use to, that you will eat this all day all night :D No kebab! :-)

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

No problem. WiFi is everywhere in the campus (even EDUROAM) and the Facebook, Instagram and other social apps are normally working there.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

You need to try it, its amazing live experince.

What not to forget with you

You should take an umbrella, bed sheet, at least a small pillow and british adapter.

Benefits of the internship

Work experience, getting to know an asian culture, new international friends.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Without Problem, Patrick was prepared to help us with everything everytime :-)

Overall experience with IAESTE

No complains, everything was amazing and I really have to say thank you for everything, because it was amazing experince for me!

Student's website


Employer's webiste

Other useful links


Other comments

If you want to go and you have any questions about this internship, just contact me, you can find me on facebook as Vráťa Borský :-)

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Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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