Internship Feedback

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Marta Vranová, Brno University of Technology, ročník 6

Faculty Faculty of Civil Engineering
Field of study Architecture and Settlement Development
Field of internship Architecture
Specialization of InternshipArchitecture
Internship period (from - to) 8.7.2019 - 1.9.2019
Internship duration (weeks) 8
Transport (means, price) Plane, 193€
Insurance/Insurance company AXA
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no
Price of Visa 0
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Malta, Malta-Floriana
Internship reference number MT-2019-18

About the country

Location of the place

Malta, small island in Mediterranean Sea close to Sicily. Its just little bit bigger than city Prague, but with beautiful architecture and its historical value.......I didnt expect to find so many megalithic buildings here.


I think that Malta is one big city never know in which city you are, because mostly there are no borders or fields between them. I worked in Floriana, which is located next to the capital city Valletta. So if you want hang out after work in Valletta its perfect position :-). Msida was place where I lived. It was 15min. by bus to my work, but also it was perfect start point for travelling to all around the Malta. Because in Msida was main hospital of Malta and University so many buses were going through this location.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

Typical for locals is to drive..... its reason why is so many traffic jam there, but local transport are buses. You can get by them almost everywhere, but you must expect that sometimes they are late, sometimes they are not coming, sometimes they go by different route or your driver just get lost one big adventure :-D.
There is so many places to visit even 3 months were not enough to see everything. You can visit Valletta, Birgu, Mdina (beautiful historical city where is restaurant Fontanella...they have perfect cakes there), St. Julians (party part), Sliema (good for shopping), Blue Grotto, Megalithic Temples like Ħaġar Qim, Mnajdra and many others. Nice trip is also go to Gozo and Comino ( famous for Blue lagoon.....but its really crowded) and a lot lot more.



My employer was Restoration directorate, Government of Malta. I had perfect boss and other colleagues were very nice and helpful. So nice place to work.
But because it was government office they had a bit mess in some information, so then there were problems with payment.

Work description

I participate on one big project.......restoration of fortification in Floriana. There should be new art gallery and I had to design new connection link from Marina to upper levels of fortification. I was preparing drawings, design, technical de-tailing and process requests of Marriners and heritage of Malta. We worked on our notebooks so we could use any program we wanted. There were another two interns (from Slovakia and from Belgium), so it was nice to work together. But all of us were fighting with AC (air conditioning) its crazy. Outside is 30˚ and they set AC on 18˚, so we had to fight against it or we would be sick.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

I earned 474€ per 4 weeks and its not enough. Minimal cost of living is 575€ and because food is little bit more expensive than in our country and restaurant much more expensive you have to pay extra money. I worked just 6hours per day but for same time period locals interns earned 691€ and two years ago our interns were paid also 691€ so I dont know what happened that they changed it.

Language requirements

Locals speak English and Maltese so its not problem. The requirements for this job offer is English-good. I would say its enough, but if you know a bit of technical vocabularies its better for talking with boss. But everybody is really helpful so there's nothing to worry about.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

My accommodation was located in the city Msida (really good location), 15 minutes by bus to my work. The price of accommodation was 200€+bills so together it was approximately 250€ per month. And I was lucky because it was really good price. One intern paid 400€ per month.
I was living with another three people in apartment and I was sharing the room. There was fully equipped kitchen, washing machine and dryer. But there wasnt AC. It was, provided by local iaeste.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

At airport two members from IAESTE picked me up.....everything was prepared and on time so perfect :-). The events organised by IAESTE were really nice. Almost every week they organised something and all members were really thank you very much.

Meeting other foreign students

We had group on WatsUpp with interns and local IAESTE members, so we were in touch with everybody all the time. And I was living with 2 interns and another one was with me at work.

Sport and culture

There is so hot but its not excuse :-D you can go jogging along the coast after 6pm or in morning. Or if you have opportunity you can practice yoga on the roof like me :-D :-D. And culture?? Oh my good there is something happening all the time! You can find everyday some event. There are a lot of music concerts from modern style to classical one and most of them are for free :-D, there are also festivals of food, wine, beer or local festas...........not for nothing is Valletta cultural city of 2018.

Food, local specialties

One of the traditional food are:
Pastizzi - savoury pastry filled with ricotta, meat or beans......its good, really cheep but really unhealthy.
Ftira - maltese bread, usually eaten with fillings such as sardines, tuna, potato, fresh tomato, onion, capers and olives.......and its really good.
Lampuki - local fish....the meat is tender, tasty and almost without bones, but this fish is typical for period of August and September
Rabitt - is really typical but I dont know why
Kinnie - you must try :-D its bittersweet soft drink brewed from bitter oranges and extracts of wormwood. I knew it from czechia so I was already addicted :-D :-D

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

No problem, because Malta is in EU and roaming is you can use your data and minutes from home.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

If you will go for 2 and more months apply, at least 2weeks before you will arrive to Malta, your Tallinja card for public transport. Because instead of 2€ for one ride you will pay 0,75 cents. But if you are there for 1 month its not worthy,but you can buy card for 12 Single Day Journeys for 15€.
There is really hot sometimes you can feel like in hell :-D so take lots of summer clothes, but on the other hand in offices, shops and in public transport is freezing have some huge scarf or some light pullover.......or you will be sick in 2weeks.
If you want taxi you can use application - Bolt cars (I used this and I didnt have any problem) or eCabs

What not to forget with you

Sunblock - at least 30 but in the beginning 50 is better :-P
Sunglasses - sun is more stronger than we are used to
Mosquito repellent - if the Mosquito loves you like me you wont survive in the evening without repellent :-D
Souvenirs from Czechia - they really liked Becherovka :-D
This is so international country that there is also Lidl, so if you forgot something its not problem to buy it there.

Benefits of the internship has been 3 beautiful months for me. I had great opportunity to participate on big architectural project which has enriched me a lot. I met so many fantastic people and had so many beautiful travel experiences so dont hesitate and go ;-).
Its perfect combination of work experience and holidays :-D.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Perfect without problem :-). They were really helpful and willing.

Overall experience with IAESTE

IAETSE of Malta is really small group approximately 8 members. So they were really busy, but still they tried to organise almost every week something and help us with anything big thanks to them :-D.

Student's website


Employer's webiste
They havent got a good website to find important information.

Other useful links

Other comments

If you have any question you can contact me on FB - Marta Vranová

Photo gallery

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Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
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