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Tomáš Roško, Brno University of Technology, ročník 4

Faculty Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Field of study Telecommunications
Field of internship Computer and Information Sciences
Specialization of InternshipSystem, Networking, and LAN/WAN Management/Manager
Internship period (from - to) 24.5.2019 - 5.7.2019
Internship duration (weeks) 6
Transport (means, price) Plane -> Wizz Air > Bratislava - Skopje (return ticket for ~85 EUR with baggage and seats)
Insurance/Insurance company ZMVP 211 (free - student)
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) No
Price of Visa - (0)
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Macedonia, Skopje
Internship reference number MK-2019-SK-07

About the country

Location of the place

My internship was in the capital of Macedonia - Skopje. Macedonia is a beautiful balcanic country with a lot of things which are worth seeing. The easiest and fastest option how to get there is definitely by plane - first option is link Bratislava - Skopje, the second one is Vienna - Ohrid.


Skopje is a beautiful city in the northern part of Macedonia. More than half a million people live there. City is surrounded by mountains which you can see almost everywhere (the most famous one is Vodno with a big Millenium Cross on top). Skopje was destroyed in 1963 by an earthquake - that is why a lot of historical buildings are gone. City is still being rebuilt. There is a lot of things to see - very nice statue of Alexander the Great in the middle of square, Old Bazaar, many parks etc.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

There is many possible trips - as mentioned above: Vodno, lake Matka, Kokino, Smolare waterfalls or just outside of Skopje. You can also rent a car, which is not as cheap as other things in Macedonia but still doable. With a car you can go basicly anywhere because Macedonia is not that big.

If you want to go to Matka, you can take a bus from the city centre. The same applies to Vodno - you can get to the middle by bus and then take a cable car, which is 100 MKD, or you can hike up there (takes like 1.5 hour from the middle).

I also went to the Greece (Thessaloniki) by taking a train the then changing to a bus on the borders. It takes around 5 hours to get there. It costs +- 30 EUR for a return ticket (If i remember correctly :D)



Netra Do Ltd., they have around 30 employees. I was the only intern in the company. Working hours were not strict at all, but i was supposed to get to the work at 9 AM and they let me to go home around 3 PM. I was in a shared office with another 5 colleagues.

Work description

Actually, they did not have much work for me. I did not have much to do in the work. They told me that I can do my own stuff for most of the time. Sometimes i was configuring network devices with my colleagues or watching them doing their job. For a few days we went outside to do some meassurements, it was quite nice and educative.

I was trying to get involved every day for the first three weeks but it did not help, then I "surrendered". People in the company were really friendly, that was the biggest plus.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

13 000 MKD per month = +- 210 EUR. If you want to enjoy your stay, you will need a lot more than this (for sure).

I think its the minimal Macedonia wage. From what I have heard, people have to live with this amount of money, but actually, they are not living, they are only surviving. Sad.

Language requirements

English. In the company, most of the employees were able to speak in English fluently and with ease. On the streets, people usually know only Macedonian language so you need to use your hands and improvise. All IAESTE members were able to speak English very well.

Accommodation (price, who provided it)

Provided by the local IAESTE. It was a rented apartment. Price was around 167 MKD per night, so it is really cheap. It was a fully furnished house. We had a really nice landlord, he was really friendly. If you want, you can play tennis with him ;). There is a bus stop close to the appartment. You live with another interns in the house (I think there were like 7 interns in the house at one momment).

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

Members from IAESTE picked me up at the bus station Holiday Inn (Manora shuttle bus from the airport) the very first day. On my first working day there was someone comming with me. They also took me to get a bus card and macedonian local SIM card.

There was so many events organised by the IAESTE members. Almost everyday. So many parties. They also did some trips, but I was able to do only one of them (Ohrid weekend - it was so good). That is because I arrived very early (24.5), so if you do not want to miss these events (called "something" Weekend), you should come later than me or stay there for a longer time.

On the last day, one of members took me at the airport. Overall, they were VERY helpful!

Meeting other foreign students

As mentioned above, I was in the appartment with many interns. We had a lot of fun together. You will also meet a lot of Macedonian students, no worries.

Sport and culture

You can do pretty much everything you want (hiking, swimming, playing tennis, kayaking, ...). You just need to search or ask. Everything is cheaper there in comparison with our country.

Food, local specialties

Macedonian cuisine is pretty amazing. They have a lot to offer. We had a kitchen it our appartment but we usually went to the restaurant (full meal was around 4 EUR). I recommend you to try Tavče Gravče, Pastrmajlija, Mekica, Burek and many other things. If you want to eat some junk food, then go to the Subzy, Kiosk Burger, Royal Burger and Sedmica. Also, the pastry is really good and cheap. Draught beer is a little bit more expensive - around 100 MKD. Bottled beer was 60 MKD for 1.5 L. Strong alcohol in the stores was cheaper than in the Czech Republic.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

There was a Wi-Fi in our appartment as well as in the company. You can also buy a prepaid SIM card (500 MKD for one month) with 5 GBs of mobile data. You should only use your mobile data if you want to call with someone abroad (Messenger, Viber, Whatsapp...) since calling outside Macedonia is really expensive.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

I dont really know. It is advantageous if you understand cyrillyc, but if you do not, I am sure you will learn it once you arrive to Macedonia (as I mentioned, I had a lot of time in my work so... :D). Watch out for the taxi drivers, they will try to scam you (most of them), because you are a walking wallet for them. You better should have a macedonian friend with youself who will arrange everything for you or you can try to tell them that you know what the prices are (that worked in almost every case for me).

Also, you can, start your internship in july. That is the month when there is the most of interns and most of the events planned.

What not to forget with you

Do not forget to take your debit card and some cash (only euros, they do not accept czech crowns in the exchange offices). Do not forget to take your ID card and passport, just in case you lose one of these.

Make sure you have an insurance. You can get one for free with ZPMV 211 if you are a student.

Also, take something Czechish with yourself, they will appriciate it. (I brought one bottle of Slivovica with myself but they did not like it. You can try something else).

Benefits of the internship

Well, if you choose to go to the Macedonia you probably should not expect that you will learn a lot (to be honest, I thought I will in the beginning, but we all learn by our mistakes, right?)

One of the biggest benefits is that you will try living somewhere in abroad alone. Another big plus is that you will improve your English language. Last but not least, you will meet a lot of new people - and that is great!

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

Everything was fine. They were really trying hard to make the stay for us as beuatiful as possible.

Overall experience with IAESTE


Student's website


Employer's webiste

Probably you will not find anything on their website. It has been under maintenance for some time (read a few months) - that is what they told me.

Other useful links


Other comments

I have tried to mention everything I possibly could. I hope i did not forgot to say anything else (I am writing this report 2 months after i arrived back from Macedonia...). If you are interested, feel free to contact me. I belive you can find me somewhere on the internet, it is 21st century ;).

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Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
© 2017 IAESTE Czech Republic
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