Internship Feedback

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Bc. Gabriela Hůlková, CTU Prague, ročník 5

Faculty Civil Engineering
Field of study Structures Building
Field of internship Engineering, Other
Specialization of Internship- - - - - - - - - -
Internship period (from - to) 10.10.2016 - 23.12.2016
Internship duration (weeks) 11
Transport (means, price) train - 19 €
Insurance/Insurance company DAAD
Visa/Work permit (yes/no) no
Price of Visa -
City of Internship Zobrazit místo na mapě  Germany, Bochum
Internship reference number DE-2016-2051-1

About the country

Location of the place

Bochum is a city in the west Germany (the state of North Rhine-Westphalia) . It is located in the Ruhr area and is surrounded by the cities of Herne, Castrop-Rauxel, Dortmund, Witten, Hattingen, Essen and Gelsenkirchen. The Ruhrarea is an urban area with a population density of 2,800/km² and a population of eight and a half million, it is the largest urban agglomeration in Germany, and third-largest in the European Union. It consists of several large, industrial cities bordered by the rivers Ruhr to the south, Rhine to the west, and Lippe to the north.


Bochum has around 365000 inhabitans. Bochum is an indrusial and mining city. Although Bochum is placed in a huge industrial area there are several big parks like the botanical garden of the university, the Citypark and the West Park. Near the University the lake Kamnade and the river Ruhr is situated.

Surroundings (possible trips, ...)

The Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum



Ruhr university Bochum

Work description

I was working on a laboratory research for shield tunneling. I have learned a lot about the tunnelling and with a numerical software - DIANA. I implemented the results which were obtained in the lab into the numerical models. I was working mainly with the software and some days I was spending in the laboratory and testing bentonite suspension.

Salary (sufficient for local conditions?)

650 euro/month
It was sufficient for accommodations and food. DAAD gave me some extra money for the travel tickets and tickets to the museum. Then the money was sufficient for the trips too.

Language requirements


Accommodation (price, who provided it)

280 euro, found by IAESTE. I lived in a nice dormitory. I had own room and I shared the kitchen and bathroom with two guys. There were everything like dishes, bed linens etc.
There were a lot of international students from all over the world.

Social life

Meeting IAESTE members (pick-up at the airport, organized events...)

One of the members picked me up at the train station and showed me my accommodation and university campus. There was a meeting every Wednesday in a local office. They organized some trips and parties for trainees and We had a national dinner together.

Meeting other foreign students

Everyday at the university or at the dormitory. I worked with another intern from Palestine at the university. My roomates for the dormitory were from South Korea and Palestine.

Sport and culture

A sport center and swimming pool are in the university campus.
There were plenty of culture events - festivals in Cologne, Aachen..

Food, local specialties

Lunch in the mensa around 3-5 €.
There is a typical german food such as currywurst, schnitzel and potato. Anyway the food are very similar with food in czechia.

Other information

Possibilites to communicate with the Czech Republic

Skype, whatsApp,..I had a wifi in my room and everywhere in university campus.

Recommendations for students who will go to the same place

This intership at Rurh-university is great for gain a new experiences and learn something new in your study field (if you will choice intrenship in your study field like me), improve your skills with foreign language.
Give all the tickets(from museum,galery,travel tickets any others) to the IAESTE office, will be payed back 70% from each tickets by DAAD.

What not to forget with you

I do not have any idea, because the life in Germany is similar like in Czech republic.

Benefits of the internship

I have learned a lot about the tunnelling and with a new software,
Lot of new friends,
work experience useful to my CV.

Cooperation with IAESTE in the foreign country

I did not have any problem, they helped me with everything.

Overall experience with IAESTE


Student's website

I do not have.

Employer's webiste

Other useful links

Other comments

I want to thank everyone from IASTE for this opportunity. The time which I spent in Bochum was amazing I will never forget it. I recommend it to everyone!

Photo gallery

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Partneři IAESTE Czech Republic

Partneři Plus
Robert Bosch
Skupina ČEZ
Lear Corporation
Vinci Construction CS
Partneři Standard
Allegro Microsystems Europe
BTL Medial Technologies
ČEPS, a.s.
Hilti ČR s.r.o.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
Porsche Engineering
ŠKODA Transport
Procter Gamble
© 2017 IAESTE Czech Republic
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